The Environment, Biology, Nuclear Science & Nonproliferation Directorate conducts fundamental research and develops technology to enable the transition to a secure, sustainable and resilient net-zero society.
The Environment, Biology, Nuclear Science & Nonproliferation Directorate conducts fundamental research and develops technology to enable the transition to a secure, sustainable and resilient net-zero society.
Current Initiatives

4-D Atmospheric Sensing and Simulation
Brookhaven Lab is developing theory and novel approaches for measuring and monitoring atmospheric components through space and time. The goal is to reduce uncertainty in climate models used to guide decision-making and policies relevant to clean energy, human health and well-being, and national security.

Plant Sciences
We're working to understand the principles underlying carbon capture, conversion, and storage in living systems and to develop the capability to model, predict and optimize these processes in plants and microorganisms.

Materials in Radiation Environments
The use of nuclear power as a clean energy source requires the development of advanced reactor designs. Such development involves an understanding of how intense radiation, temperatures, and corrosive environments change the properties of materials used in reactors.