General Lab Information


The High Energy Engineering X-ray Scattering (HEX) beamline at NSLS-II will be open to general users in January 2024. HEX will be a versatile beamline designed to advance research in energy storage, energy conversion, and materials engineering. The instrument will offer high-energy X-ray diffraction and imaging with a monochromatic or white beam to enable the study of atomic structures under working conditions and in real time. The beamline is located at port 27-ID and utilizes a superconducting wiggler as its source for the most intense high-energy X-rays at NSLS-II. HEX construction is supported by New York State, through the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA).

Prior to going into user operation, we are holding a one-day workshop to educate potential users about the capabilities of the new HEX beamline. We invite attendees from the fields of renewable energy and materials engineering to come together to hear about the available techniques and scientific potential of the beamline. Attendees will learn about the state-of-the art capabilities that HEX adds to the NSLS-II portfolio, and we will discuss options for future needs including instrumentation, sample environments, and data analysis. The workshop will teach potential users about the capabilities of the beamline, and it will help HEX staff to prioritize scientific commissioning activities before user operations begin early next year. 

Committee Members

  • Michael Drakopoulos (PhD, Lead Scientist HEX Beamline)
  • Zhong Zhong (HEX Beamline Scientist)


This event does not have a hotel room block. Participants should make their hotel reservation. When booking your reservation, you may need to guarantee your room with a credit card. Remember to ask about their cancellation policy and if they offer shuttle service. Details

Important Dates

August 21, 2023 General registration opens
September 5, 2023 General registration closes
September 5, 2023 Additional registration deadline for all participants who do not have an active appointment with Brookhaven Lab. You will be directed to the appropriate form once you have completed the event registration.

Workshop Information

Note: This event falls under Exemption D (Formal classroom training held at Federal facilities, which does not exhibit indicia of a formal conference as outlined in the Conference/Event Exemption Request Form.) Participation is contingent on application acceptance.