General Lab Information

Raising awareness and appreciation of Hispanic culture


The Hispanic Heritage Group (HHG), an Employee Resource Group at Brookhaven National Laboratory, aims to raise awareness and appreciation of Hispanic culture at the Lab, and to highlight the contributions of Hispanic people in science and operations at the Lab and beyond. The HHG works closely with the Lab’s Inclusion & Diversity Office and the Brookhaven Employees Recreation Association.

The HHG is open to all Brookhaven Science Associates employees and their immediate family members, including retirees; staff of the Brookhaven Site Office of the U.S. Department of Energy and members of their immediate families; guest users and visiting appointees and members of their immediate families; and employees of permanent on site contractors such as Teachers Federal Credit Union and the U.S. Post Office, and members of their immediate families.

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BSA Work Hosted Events: Professional development, educational, and knowledge transfer events that are sponsored and supported by either DOE or BSA which support the science and operational mission of the organization are considered time worked. Examples of such activities include speakers and lectures, EAP lectures and seminars, Diversity lectures and seminars, “Brownbag” events on work related subjects, employee award ceremonies, “Coffee and Conversations,” “Get to Know the Lab” series, work-related training courses, Brookhaven Women in Science (BWIS) or affinity group meetings, safety day, and all-employee meetings. For more information, refer to SBMS topic “Determining Whether an Activity May Be Reported as Hours Worked”.