General Lab Information


This workbench is a three half-day virtual training class aimed at researchers that would like to know more about fore-front techniques and methods employed at the macromolecular crystallography beamlines at the Center for Biomolecular Structure at BNL. A short introduction to the methods will provided while focus will be on study of advanced methods. Attendees will be provided time to collect and analyze data from their own samples. This will serve to train and recruit new researchers to MX and provide the opportunity to obtain preliminary data to use in a beamtime proposal request to sustain a solid community at the FMX and AMX beamlines.

Topics: Macromolecular crystallography, serial crystallography and radiation damage.

Optional Workbench

A LiX Solution Scattering Workbench (2021-1) will also be held in the mornings of February 8-10 (same days as MX Workbench). The LiX workbench is focused on an introduction to data collection for new and prospective users at the LiX beamline. If you wish to attend the LiX Workbench, please be sure to register.

About 17-ID-1 AMX Beamline

The beamline offers ultrabright (>4 1012 ph.s-1) x-rays delivered by a canted in-vacuum undulator source (IVU21) with x-ray energies ranging from 5keV to 18keV and a beam size of 7*5 μm2.

The beamline has an adaptable optical system consisting of white beam slits, a double crystal Si(111) monochromator with horizontal theta-axis, tandem flat beam deflecting silicon mirrors (Pd and Si lanes) and Kirkpatrick-Baez focusing silica mirrors, which are Pd coated and able to bent adaptively using 16 piezo actuators.

Each optical element is preceded by slits and its transmitted beam is monitored by beam position monitors or retractable screens. More...

About 17-ID-2 FMX Beamline

The Frontier Microfocusing Macromolecular Crystallography (FMX) delivers a flux of 3.5x1012 ph/s at 1 Å wavelength into a 1x1.5 to 10x10 µm2 (VxH) variable beam focus, covering an energy range from 5 - 30 keV. Its flux density surpasses current MX beamlines by up to two orders of magnitude.

The FMX optical system features a highly stable horizontal bounce Si 111 double crystal monochromator, as well as 16-segment bimorph bending mirrors in a single stage vertical and a dual stage horizontal focusing scheme. More...

Join the Workshop Remotely

The Zoom connection information will be provided to you prior to the start of the event. Please do not give out this connection information. It is only for registered attendees.

Important Dates

January 15, 2021 Registration opens
January 29, 2021 Registration closes
January 25, 2021 Deadline for additional guest registration for all participants

Workshop Information

Notice: This event falls under Exemption D (Formal classroom training held at Federal facilities, which does not exhibit indicia of a formal conference as outlined in the Conference/Event Exemption Request Form.) Participation is contingent on application acceptance.