BNL’s Glenn Abramowitz to Perform in Musical Mame!
Profits from this musical will benefit the scholarship program at Riverhead High School, and Abramowitz’s volunteer hours will benefit the BNL United Way Fund Drive
November 12, 2009

Glenn Abramowitz
Riverhead’s music scene will liven up on two weekends this month, when the Broadway musical Mame! will be performed by members of the Riverhead Faculty Community Theater (RFCT) at Riverhead High School on November 14, 21, and 22 at 8 p.m. and at 2 p.m. on Sunday, November 15. BNL’s Glenn Abramowitz of the Site Services Division will be playing two roles, Ralph Devine and Uncle Jeff.
“We put on a musical every year to benefit the Riverhead High School Scholarship Fund,” said Abramowitz, who holds the record for the number of times anyone has acted with the group — 17 years in a row. Always interested in theater, Abramowitz moved to Flanders 21 years ago and joined RFCT in 1992. Roles he has played with them have included Mayor Schinn in The Music Man in 2007, Vernon Hines in The Pajama Game in 1998, and Available Jones in L’il Abner in 1995 — terrific roles to play, he said. “Over the years we have made thousands of dollars for the kids, and everyone enjoys themselves. It’s a great way to get a community involved.
“I hope my friends and coworkers will come out and see the show and help make it a success,” he added. Anyone who would like to see the show may call Abramowitz, Ext. 7477, for tickets ($12 in advance, $15 at the door).
United Way Volunteer Program Will Also Benefit
Making money for the scholarship fund is not the only way that Abramowitz contributes to the community. Last year, he found that his volunteer work with the RFCT qualified for the BNL United Way Fund Drive Volunteer Program, and he clocked in 88 hours in the program. Brookhaven Science Associates gives $20 an hour to the United Way for volunteer work done by BNL employees, up to $10,000. This year, Abramowitz plans to join BNL’s volunteer program again. “As a single homeowner, I don’t have a lot of money to contribute,” he said, “but by volunteering, I feel I am doing something for others who need our help.”
Volunteer Days Program Boosts BNL’s United Way Fund
The Volunteer Days Program to benefit BNL’s United Way started on October 19. By participating, BNLers can help the United Way fundraising effort because for every hour volunteered until December 31, BSA will donate $20 to BNL’s Long Island United Way campaign, with a ceiling of $10,000. All you do is fill out and submit the volunteer work receipt form. Or, for information on volunteer opportunities, contact Volunteer Days Program Coordinator Patti Bender, Ext. 3145 or
One of last year’s volunteers was Glenn Abramowitz of the Site Services Division, who registered for 88 hours of volunteerism for the annual play performed at Riverhead High School to benefit student scholarships (see story at right).
Dunking Booth Volunteers Needed
Right now, Patti Bender,, is asking for volunteers to help with a dunking booth event to be held in late November.
Ways of Volunteering
BNLers volunteer in many ways —as firefighters, in soup kitchens, with church activities, Habitat for Humanity, handicapped children’s services, mentoring, coaching, and as scout leaders. To encourage participation in a volunteer activity with supervisory approval, an employee may make a one-time request of an hour’s work time to perform volunteer work. A minimum of two hours is necessary, one work hour, and one from your own time. Thereafter, you may volunteer as many hours as you wish on your own time.
Think you or one of your colleagues has a good story to tell? Email us! Although we can't write about everyone, we would love to hear your ideas and suggestions.
2009-1498 | INT/EXT | Newsroom