AAAG Bouchet Speaker Series: 'Outreach and Education' with Ashley J. Wallace, 2/23, Noon
February 22, 2022
Ashley J. Wallace, the African American Advancement Group’s (AAAG) 2022 Bouchet Speaker, will speak about “Outreach and Education: A STEM Career That Might Surprise You,” on Wednesday, Feb. 23, at noon.
Mark your calendar and save the link to the videoconference.
Wallace is assistant director of education and outreach for the Laboratory for Research on the Structure of Matter, a National Science Foundation funded center for materials science research at the University of Pennsylvania.
She will shed light on her experiences as a budding scientist in academia while also highlighting how passions can drive people to pursue careers they never considered and the critical role creating a sense of community plays in the journey to “success.”
About the Bouchet Speaker Series
The series is named for Edward Alexander Bouchet, the first African American and sixth American to earn a PhD in physics. It features noteworthy Black STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) professionals who share their career journeys and ways in which their cultural perspectives informed and shaped them.
Learn more about the AAAG.
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