Health, Fitness, and Camaraderie At Jones Beach Run/Walk Challenge
August 24, 2011
On your mark...Get set...Go!
At 7 p.m. on July 26, contestants in the Marcum Workplace Challenge 3.5 Mile Run/Walk got going, racing along at Jones Beach. About 65 BNL participants joined in this year — including many new employees — all sporting white shirts stamped with the BNL logo, courtesy of Brookhaven Science Associates.
Said Paul Geiger, who, with Mike Mapes, captained the runners, “Two of the BNL teams — one women’s and one men’s — placed in the top ten. Katie Skinner, Weimin Zhou and Betty Elder came in second among 54 teams; and Mike Bilello, Wayne Lewis, and Mike Mapes came in eighth out of 108 teams. The rest of us also competed well and enjoyed the race.”
After the run or walk, everyone gathered under the BNL tent to enjoy a picnic meal together.
“This was another wonderful time for all of us who joined in the fun of that evening,” said Betty Elder of the Business Systems Division, who organized the event for the BNL participants. “Our tent, which was provided thanks to Michael Thorn and the Health Promotion Program, was in a fine location, easy to find and right near the beach. It makes a real difference to have a tent, both for the shade and for us all to gather together. The picnic was also great and I particularly thank the volunteers for all their assistance. Also, thanks to Brookhaven Science Associates, we all had the same shirts, so we really looked and felt like a BNL team. We were all so enthusiastic, I know we’re looking forward next year’s event already. Hope to see you there!
2011-2560 | INT/EXT | Newsroom