Blood Donations = Saved Lives

Sue McCafferty

Sue McCafferty

Sue McCafferty, a registered nurse in the Lab’s Occupational Medicine Clinic, always greets visitors to the clinic with a big smile. But like other nurses, McCafferty has occasionally lost that smile when she has witnessed “life and death” moments for some of her patients. “Before joining BNL four years ago, I worked at Stony Brook University Hospital where I saw firsthand the difference a blood donation makes,” said McCafferty. “It is absolutely true that blood donors help save lives.”

McCafferty, who is a blood donor herself, says blood donations have also impacted her personal life. Both her mother and mother-in-law were diagnosed with cancer a few years ago and had to receive blood and platelet transfusions. “I stood by their bedsides and watched how the transfusion almost immediately improved their physical condition,” said McCafferty. “It was like giving water to a wilted plant.”

Next BNL Blood Drive is Thursday, September 15, 2011

BNL’s next blood drive will be held on Thursday, September 15, from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Brookhaven Center. Donors must be 17 to 75 years of age, in good health and weigh over 110 lbs. Restrictions may apply to individuals from the UK and Europe. Donors should have a photo ID and know their social security number. To make an appointment, go to or contact Liz Gilbert at Ext. 2315.

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