Celebration of Jobs Well Done!

Steve Dierker

Steve Dierker

To the Laboratory community:

Please join me on Thursday, April 26, at 11:30 a.m. to celebrate two recent milestones for the NSLS-II Project:

  • Beneficial occupancy of the ring building
  • Linac commissioning

The Photon Sciences Directorate has made tremendous progress since the groundbreaking ceremony for the project in June 2009, when many of us sat under a tent at the edge of a dusty construction site. Today, the entire ring is enclosed and completed, and we are moving quickly to install accelerator and beamline components.

The NSLS-II Project is now over 70 percent complete, and we are on schedule and on budget.

This Thursday, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., we will suspend our activities in the building to give the Lab community a first-time opportunity to walk all the way around the half-mile ring. Following the clockwise path of the electrons to come in the accelerator tunnel, we will start in pentant 1, which we officially occupied in March 2011, and complete the circle to pentant 5, which we claimed in February 2012. Along the way, although interior to the ring building and out of sight, we will pass the linear accelerator, or linac, where commissioning began at the end of March.

Please enter NSLS-II from Brookhaven Avenue, through the lobby. Parking is limited in the area, so consider walking or carpooling.

I welcome everyone to a “Celebration of Jobs Well Done!”


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