General Lab Information

Advocating for LGBTQ* members of the Brookhaven National Lab Community

The Pride Alliance, an Employee Resource Group at Brookhaven National Laboratory, stands to represent individuals identifying as a gender or sexual minority (GSM) in the research environment. Our goals are to:

  • Advocate for non-heterosexual and gender non-conforming individuals at Brookhaven Lab by serving as a liaison between employees and management to ensure a safe and inclusive working environment.
  • Promote a sense of community between our members along with the surrounding LGBTQ+ networks.
  • Support non-heterosexual and non-gender conforming individuals and their families through educational and cultural programs.

Pride Alliance was originally founded as GLOBE — the Gay, Lesbian, or Bisexual Employee Resource Group. The group in its past and present form has made achievements toward bettering the Lab environment for GSM individuals by extending benefits to include same-sex partners, and more recently the inclusion of gender reassignment coverage to the Lab’s health insurance.



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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Pride?

Pride is the promotion of the self-affirmation, dignity, equality, and increased visibility of gender and sexual minorities as a social group.

What is sexual orientation?

A person’s physical, romantic and/or emotional attraction towards other people.​

What is gender identity?​

The reflection of a deeply felt and experienced sense of one’s self.​

Can I be part of the group if I’m straight?​

Yes! Pride is for all regardless of identity. Allies have been a huge force in shaping gay history.​

What’s the difference between sex and gender?​

Sex is assigned at birth depending on a child’s genitals whereas gender is decided by the individual on who they intrinsically are.

How can I find someone’s pronouns without being rude?

Pronouns should always be asked; never assumed. If you are unsure of a person’s pronouns, the best thing you can do is ask! As pronouns are becoming more and more common, more people are aware of this concept and are more open to a conversation. You may have seen the in email signatures recently; acts like this not only declare your pronouns for others, but helps to open and normalize these conversations with people who are not familiar.