Andrea Mattera
Research Staff 4 Physics, National Nuclear Data Center, Nuclear Science and Technology Department
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Nuclear Science and Technology Department
Bldg. 817
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000
(631) 344-6339
Pronouns: he, him, his
Andrea Mattera has been an Assistant Physicist at Brookhaven National Laboratory since October 2021. He joined the National Nuclera Data Center as a Postdoctoral Scientist in 2019, after receiving his PhD at Uppsala University (Sweden). His work in Uppsala was split between the characterization of a neutron source for neutron-induced fission studies, and the measurement of fission product yields. At Brookhaven Andrea is part of the National Nuclear Data Center, where he is involved in the compilation and evaluation effort of fission yields, and in experimental activities for the study of decay data of fission products. During his time at the NNDC he also participated in the study of the effect of recent isomeric and independent fission yield data on reactor antineutrino spectra.
Education | Appointments | Publications
PhD, Uppsala University (Sweden), Oct 2017
MSc, Insubria University (Italy), Oct 2010
BSc, Insubria University (Italy), Jan 2008
Professional Appointments
Assistant Physicist, National Nuclear Data Center (BNL), 2021 - now
Postdoctoral Scientist, National Nuclear Data Center (BNL), 2019 - 2021
Selected Publications
- Sears CJ, Mattera A, McCutchan EA, et al (2021) Compilation and Evaluation of Isomeric Fission Yield Ratios. Nuclear Data Sheets 173:118–143.
- Mattera A, Sonzogni A (2021) Revision of Fission Yields Uncertainties in ENDF/B-VIII.0. doi: 10.2172/1762758
- Mattera A (2020) Impact of current decay data on fast neutrons 238U fission yields measured with the activation technique. doi: 10.2172/1670679
- Mattera A, Zhu S, Hayes AB, Mccutchan EA (2021) Nuclear Data Sheets for A=252. Nuclear Data Sheets 172:543–587.
- Rakopoulos V, Lantz M, Pomp S, Solders A, Al-Adili A, Canete L, Eronen T, Jokinen A, Kankainen A, Mattera A, Moore ID, Nesterenko DA, Reponen M, Rinta-Antila S, de Roubin A, Vilén M, Österlund M, Penttilä H (2019) Isomeric fission yield ratios for odd-mass Cd and In isotopes using the phase-imaging ion-cyclotron-resonance technique. Physical Review C. doi: 10.1103/physrevc.99.014617
- Rakopoulos V, Lantz M, Solders A, Al-Adili A, Mattera A, Canete L, Eronen T, Gorelov D, Jokinen A, Kankainen A, Kolhinen VS, Moore ID, Nesterenko DA, Penttilä H, Pohjalainen I, Rinta-Antila S, Simutkin V, Vilén M, Voss A, Pomp S (2018) First isomeric yield ratio measurements by direct ion counting and implications for the angular momentum of the primary fission fragments. Physical Review C. doi: 10.1103/physrevc.98.024612
- Mattera A, Pomp S, Lantz M, Rakopoulos V, Solders A, Al-Adili A, Penttilä H, Moore ID, Rinta-Antila S, Eronen T, Kankainen A, Pohjalainen I, Gorelov D, Canete L, Nesterenko D, Vilén M, Äystö J (2018) Production of Sn and Sb isotopes in high-energy neutron-induced fission of natU. The European Physical Journal A. doi: 10.1140/epja/i2018-12462-1
- Mattera A, Pomp S, Lantz M, Rakopoulos V, Solders A, Al-Adili A, Passoth E, Prokofiev AV, Andersson P, Hjalmarsson A, Bedogni R, Bortot D, Esposito A, Gentile A, Gómez-Ros JM, Introini MV, Pola A, Gorelov D, Penttilä H, Moore ID, Rinta-Antila S, Kolhinen VS, Eronen T (2017) A neutron source for IGISOL-JYFLTRAP: Design and characterisation. The European Physical Journal A. doi: 10.1140/epja/i2017-12362-x
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Nuclear Science and Technology Department
Bldg. 817
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000
(631) 344-6339