General Lab Information

Lonny Berman

Project Management Group, National Synchrotron Light Source II

Lonny Berman

Brookhaven National Laboratory

National Synchrotron Light Source II
Bldg. 745
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000

(631) 344-5333

Lonny is currently a member of the Project Management Group of NSLS-II, in large measure looking after the genesis of new NSLS-II beamlines to be built, and is also a co-investigator in the CBMS P30 Center at NSLS-II.

Previously he was the Manager of the ABBIX (Advanced Beamlines Biological Investigations with X-rays) Project, funded by NIH, which focused on construction of three undulator-based beamlines for structural biology at NSLS-II and which completed in 2017. Prior to joining ABBIX, he led a team that designed several beamlines then known as NxtGen, and at the end of ABBIX, he led a different team that designed several other beamlines, half of which formed the NEXT-II Project.

Since joining NSLS in 1987, Lonny designed, constructed or upgraded, and operated synchrotron radiation beamlines at NSLS, and more recently has designed beamlines for NSLS-II. He developed optics and related instrumentation for these beamlines and for the benefit of others. He also investigated and made possible novel aspects and uses for synchrotron x-ray diffraction and photoemission.

Lonny was the Spokesperson for the NSLS insertion device beamline X25 from its inception, from which he stepped down in 2010. He was also a Co-PI of the PXRR — A Resource for Macromolecular Crystallography at the NSLS, which was sponsored by NIH (as a P41 Center) and DOE BER and was in effect from 1998 through 2014, as well as its NSLS-II successor called LSBR (also a P41 Center), which was in effect from 2014 through 2019, after which CBMS (a P30 Center) followed.

In recent years Lonny assumed more management responsibilities, beginning in 2007 as a group leader at NSLS (until 2010, upon termination of the formal NSLS organization), later as a group leader (2010-2013) and interim associate division director (2011-2013) in the BNL Photon Sciences Directorate, and most recently as Project Manager of ABBIX beginning in 2013, which came to a close in 2017.

Currently, in addition to Lonny's Project Management Group member and CBMS P30 Center co-investigator roles, Lonny also supports the NEXT-II Project (particularly the CDI beamline as its beamline construction CAM) and is a member of the quantum microscope research collaboration which spans across multiple groups within NSLS-II, multiple departments within BNL, and Stony Brook.

Research | Education | Appointments | Awards

Research Activities

Key Publications

  • "D Heskett, L Berman, X-ray Standing Wave Investigation of (1x2)Rb/Cu(110). Phys. Rev. B: Condens. Matter61(12), 8450-8454 (2000)."
  • "J Woicik, E Nelson, I Kronik, M Jain, I Chelikowsky, D Heskett, L Berman, G Herman, Hybridization and bond-orbital components in site-specific x-ray photoelectron spectra of rutile tio2. Phys. Rev. Lett.89(7), 077401 (2002)."
  • "L Berman, Z Yin, Q Shen, K Finkelstein, P Doing, G Pan, Characterization Of A Diamond Crystal X-Ray Phase Retarder. Rev. Sci. Instrum.73(3), 1502-1504 (2002)."
  • "J Ablett, L Berman, Spectral Measurements and Synchrotron Radiation Calculation Comparisons of the New X25 Mini-Gap Undulator. Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A582, 37-39 (2007)."
  • "L Berman, M Allaire, M Chance, W Hendrickson, A Heroux, J Jakoncic, Q Liu, A Orville, H Robinson, Optics Concept for a Pair of Undulator Beamlines for MX. Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A649(1), 131-135 (2011)."


  • Ph.D. 1988: Applied Physics, Cornell University
  • M.S. 1983: Applied Physics, Cornell University
  • B.S. 1981: Physics, Cornell University

Professional Appointments


Co-Investigator of DOE BER grant, entitled "A Quantum Enhanced X-Ray Microscope", in effect 10/1/20-present

Co-Investigator of NIH NIGMS P30 grant, entitled "The Center for Biomolecular Structure (CBMS) at NSLS-II", in effect 7/1/19-present

Co-Investigator of NIH NIGMS P41 grant, entitled "Life Science and Biomedical Technology Research Resource (LSBR) at NSLS-II", in effect 7/1/14-6/30/19

Co-Investigator of NIH NCRR P41 grant, entitled "The PXRR — A Resource for Macromolecular Crystallography at the NSLS", in effect 7/1/98-6/30/14


GMCA (APS) External Advisory Board Member, 2020-present

LCLS-II Facility Advisory Committee Member, 2012-2017

NIGMS (NIH) Synchrotron Advisory Board Member, 1999-2019

SER-CAT (APS) Scientific Advisory Board Member, 1998-2002

SBC-CAT (APS) Technical Advisory Committee Member, 1998-1999

IMCA-CAT (APS) External Review Board Member, 1996-1997, 1999-2000


United States National Committee for Crystallography (National Research Council) Member, 1997-1999, 2001-2002


Brookhaven Council Member, 2003-2006

Research Library Advisory Committee Member, 2003-2005


Co-Editor, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2002-2011

Awards & Recognition

BNL Science and Technology Award Co-Recipient, 2000

Lonny Berman

Brookhaven National Laboratory

National Synchrotron Light Source II
Bldg. 745
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000

(631) 344-5333