Lonny Berman
Project Management Group, National Synchrotron Light Source II

Brookhaven National Laboratory
National Synchrotron Light Source II
Bldg. 745
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000
(631) 344-5333
Lonny is currently a member of the Project Management Group of NSLS-II, in large measure looking after the genesis of new NSLS-II beamlines to be built, and is also a co-investigator in the CBMS P30 Center at NSLS-II.
Previously he was the Manager of the ABBIX (Advanced Beamlines Biological Investigations with X-rays) Project, funded by NIH, which focused on construction of three undulator-based beamlines for structural biology at NSLS-II and which completed in 2017. Prior to joining ABBIX, he led a team that designed several beamlines then known as NxtGen, and at the end of ABBIX, he led a different team that designed several other beamlines, half of which formed the NEXT-II Project.
Since joining NSLS in 1987, Lonny designed, constructed or upgraded, and operated synchrotron radiation beamlines at NSLS, and more recently has designed beamlines for NSLS-II. He developed optics and related instrumentation for these beamlines and for the benefit of others. He also investigated and made possible novel aspects and uses for synchrotron x-ray diffraction and photoemission.
Lonny was the Spokesperson for the NSLS insertion device beamline X25 from its inception, from which he stepped down in 2010. He was also a Co-PI of the PXRR — A Resource for Macromolecular Crystallography at the NSLS, which was sponsored by NIH (as a P41 Center) and DOE BER and was in effect from 1998 through 2014, as well as its NSLS-II successor called LSBR (also a P41 Center), which was in effect from 2014 through 2019, after which CBMS (a P30 Center) followed.
In recent years Lonny assumed more management responsibilities, beginning in 2007 as a group leader at NSLS (until 2010, upon termination of the formal NSLS organization), later as a group leader (2010-2013) and interim associate division director (2011-2013) in the BNL Photon Sciences Directorate, and most recently as Project Manager of ABBIX beginning in 2013, which came to a close in 2017.
Currently, in addition to Lonny's Project Management Group member and CBMS P30 Center co-investigator roles, Lonny also supports the NEXT-II Project (particularly the CDI beamline as its beamline construction CAM) and is a member of the quantum microscope research collaboration which spans across multiple groups within NSLS-II, multiple departments within BNL, and Stony Brook.
Research | Education | Appointments | Awards
Research Activities
Key Publications
- "D Heskett, L Berman, X-ray Standing Wave Investigation of (1x2)Rb/Cu(110). Phys. Rev. B: Condens. Matter, 61(12), 8450-8454 (2000)."
- "J Woicik, E Nelson, I Kronik, M Jain, I Chelikowsky, D Heskett, L Berman, G Herman, Hybridization and bond-orbital components in site-specific x-ray photoelectron spectra of rutile tio2. Phys. Rev. Lett., 89(7), 077401 (2002)."
- "L Berman, Z Yin, Q Shen, K Finkelstein, P Doing, G Pan, Characterization Of A Diamond Crystal X-Ray Phase Retarder. Rev. Sci. Instrum., 73(3), 1502-1504 (2002)."
- "J Ablett, L Berman, Spectral Measurements and Synchrotron Radiation Calculation Comparisons of the New X25 Mini-Gap Undulator. Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A, 582, 37-39 (2007)."
- "L Berman, M Allaire, M Chance, W Hendrickson, A Heroux, J Jakoncic, Q Liu, A Orville, H Robinson, Optics Concept for a Pair of Undulator Beamlines for MX. Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A, 649(1), 131-135 (2011)."
- Ph.D. 1988: Applied Physics, Cornell University
- M.S. 1983: Applied Physics, Cornell University
- B.S. 1981: Physics, Cornell University
Professional Appointments
Co-Investigator of DOE BER grant, entitled "A Quantum Enhanced X-Ray Microscope", in effect 10/1/20-present
Co-Investigator of NIH NIGMS P30 grant, entitled "The Center for Biomolecular Structure (CBMS) at NSLS-II", in effect 7/1/19-present
Co-Investigator of NIH NIGMS P41 grant, entitled "Life Science and Biomedical Technology Research Resource (LSBR) at NSLS-II", in effect 7/1/14-6/30/19
Co-Investigator of NIH NCRR P41 grant, entitled "The PXRR — A Resource for Macromolecular Crystallography at the NSLS", in effect 7/1/98-6/30/14
GMCA (APS) External Advisory Board Member, 2020-present
LCLS-II Facility Advisory Committee Member, 2012-2017
NIGMS (NIH) Synchrotron Advisory Board Member, 1999-2019
SER-CAT (APS) Scientific Advisory Board Member, 1998-2002
SBC-CAT (APS) Technical Advisory Committee Member, 1998-1999
IMCA-CAT (APS) External Review Board Member, 1996-1997, 1999-2000
United States National Committee for Crystallography (National Research Council) Member, 1997-1999, 2001-2002
Brookhaven Council Member, 2003-2006
Research Library Advisory Committee Member, 2003-2005
Co-Editor, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2002-2011
Awards & Recognition
BNL Science and Technology Award Co-Recipient, 2000

Brookhaven National Laboratory
National Synchrotron Light Source II
Bldg. 745
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000
(631) 344-5333