General Lab Information

Emil Bozin

Brookhaven National Laboratory

Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Department
Bldg. 734, Room 213
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000

(631) 344-4963

I lead the pair distribution function (PDF) research within the group. My research focuses on hierarchical atomic structure and nanoscale fluctuations characterization of precursor, emergent, and hidden states in quantum materials exhibiting emergent phenomena insluding charge density waves, unconventional superconductivity, metal-insulator transitions, and high performance thermoelectricity.

Expertise | Research | Education | Appointments | Publications | Awards


X-ray diffraction

Neutron diffraction

Pair Distribution Function analysis

3D Fourier maps

Research Activities

Phase transitions

Charge ordering

Orbital ordering

Unconventional superconductivity

Phase competition and phase separation

Nanocrystal structure


Ph.D. Physics, Michigan State University, 2003

M. Sc. Electrical Engineering (Materials & Devices), Michigan State University, 2001

M.Sc. Physics, Michigan State University, 1999

Professional Appointments

Physicist, Brookhaven National Laboratory, 2015-present
Associate Physicist, Brookhaven National Laboratory, 2012-2015
Assistant Physicist, Brookhaven National Laboratory, 2010-2012
Research Scientist, Columbia University, 2008-2010

Selected Publications

  • Suzana AF, Liu S, Diao J, et al (2023) Structural Explanation of the Dielectric Enhancement of Barium Titanate Nanoparticles Grown under Hydrothermal Conditions. Advanced Functional Materials 2208012.
  • Xie H, Bozin ES, Li Z, et al (2022) Hidden Local Symmetry Breaking in Silver Diamondoid Compounds is Root Cause of Ultralow Thermal Conductivity. Advanced Materials 34:2202255.
  • Antonaropoulos G, Vasilakaki M, Trohidou KN, et al (2022) Tailoring defects and nanocrystal transformation for optimal heating power in bimagnetic CoyFe1−yO@CoxFe3−xO4 particles. Nanoscale 14:382–401.
  • Koch RJ, Sinclair R, McDonnell MT, et al (2021) Dual Orbital Degeneracy Lifting in a Strongly Correlated Electron System. Physical Review Letters 126:.
  • Feiguin AE, Tsvelik AM, Yin W, Bozin ES (2019) Quantum Liquid with Strong Orbital Fluctuations: The Case of a Pyroxene Family. Physical Review Letters 123:.
  • Lappas A, Antonaropoulos G, Brintakis K, et al (2019) Vacancy-Driven Noncubic Local Structure and Magnetic Anisotropy Tailoring in FexOFe3δO4 Nanocrystals. Physical Review X 9:.
  • Wendt D, Bozin E, Neuefeind J, et al (2019) Entropic elasticity and negative thermal expansion in a simple cubic crystal. Science Advances 5:.
  • Bozin ES, Yin WG, Koch RJ, et al (2019) Local orbital degeneracy lifting as a precursor to an orbital-selective Peierls transition. Nature Communications 10:.
  • Koch RJ, Konstantinova T, Abeykoon M, et al (2019) Room temperature local nematicity in FeSe superconductor. Physical Review B 100:.
  • Skjærvø SH, Meier QN, Feygenson M, et al (2019) Unconventional Continuous Structural Disorder at the Order-Disorder Phase Transition in the Hexagonal Manganites. Physical Review X 9:.

Awards & Recognition

DESY Stephenson Distinguished Scientist Visitor

NSSA Science Prize

Louis Rosen Prize 

Sherwood K. Haynes Award

Tracy A. Hammer Award

Emil Bozin

Brookhaven National Laboratory

Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Department
Bldg. 734, Room 213
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000

(631) 344-4963

Emil's Links