General Lab Information

Carla Lanze

Research Associate Biophysics, Structural Biology, National Synchrotron Light Source II

Carla Lanze

Brookhaven National Laboratory

National Synchrotron Light Source II
Bldg. 745, Room C08M
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000

I am interested in utilizing synchrotron x-ray imaging to visualize cells and organisms in novel ways. 

Education | Publications


PhD in Molecular Genetics and Microbiology,  Stony Brook University

MSc in Plant Pathology & Environmental Microbiology, Penn State University

BA in Biology, BSc in Fashion and Textile Technology, Buffalo State University

Selected Publications

  • Lanze CE, Gandra RM, Foderaro JE, et al (2020) Plasma Membrane MCC/Eisosome Domains Promote Stress Resistance in Fungi. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews 84:.
  • Lanze CE, Zhou S, Konopka JB (2021) The Sur7 cytoplasmic C terminus regulates morphogenesis and stress responses in Candida albicans. Molecular Microbiology 116:1201–1215.
  • Lanze CE, Konopka JB (2024) Sur7 mediates a novel pathway for PI4,5P2 regulation in C. albicans that promotes stress resistance and cell wall morphogenesis. Molecular Biology of the Cell 35:.
  • Choudhary CE, Burgos-Garay ML, Moorman GW, Hong C (2016) Pythium and Phytopythium Species in Two Pennsylvania Greenhouse Irrigation Water Tanks. Plant Disease 100:926–932.
Carla Lanze

Brookhaven National Laboratory

National Synchrotron Light Source II
Bldg. 745, Room C08M
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000