Danielle Pontieri
Protocol Specialist, Protocol Office, Stakeholders Relations Office
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Stakeholders Relations Office
Bldg. 400C
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000
(631) 344-2560
(805) 861-0038
Pronouns: she,her
In her role, Danielle is responsible for the development, coordination, and execution of the summer Sundays Open House Tours Program. Managing tour workers and lab employees, Danielle and her team host this program for thousands of community members to meet the lab's scientists, take facility tours, and learn about Brookhaven's science initiatives. Danielle also supports the Protocol Office by providing tours to collegiate and community groups, new hires, and distinguished visitors.
Education | Appointments | Awards | Certifications
- Saint Joseph’s University, Bachelor’s Degree: Organizational Management
- Suffolk County Community College, Associate degree: Restaurant Management and Culinary Arts
Professional Appointments
- Brookhaven Employee Recreation Association, Board Member 2014-Present
- Brookhaven Employee Recreation Association, Vice President 2016-2018
- PRIDE Alliance (BNL), Member 2022-present
- Hispanic Heritage Group (BNL), Member 2022- present
- United Way (BNL Fundraising), Division/Department Captain 2016-present
- Laboratory Service Amenities Team (Department of Energy), Member 2019-present
- Early Career Resource Group (BNL), Social Networking Co-Chair 2018-2022
- Facility & Operations DEI Council (BNL), Retention/Development Committee 2018-2020
Awards & Recognition
- BNL Spotlight Award for Leadership
- BNL Spotlight Award for Contractor Support
- BNL Spotlight Award for Emergency Support
- Suffolk County Community College Culinary Program, Leadership
- Suffolk County Community CollegeCulinary Program, Outstanding Service Citation
- American Heart Association, CPR Certification
- Suffolk County Community College, Baking and Pastry Arts Certification
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Stakeholders Relations Office
Bldg. 400C
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000
(631) 344-2560
(805) 861-0038