Kenneth Evans-Lutterodt
ISR Beamline Scientist, Complex Scattering Program, National Synchrotron Light Source II

Brookhaven National Laboratory
National Synchrotron Light Source II
Bldg. 743
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000
(631) 344-2095
The main theme of my research interests is the application of hard x-rays to the characterization of materials. This research theme covers a variety of past and current projects, including the study of surfaces, interfaces, thin film materials and interfaces for the electronics industry, and some biomaterials. A secondary research theme also covers the study of new types of optics that improve the methods for hard x-ray characterization.
As a beamline scientist, my primary task is to support a collection of user groups that are interested in the in-situ study of growing surfaces and interfaces. We, the ISR beamline staff, support these user groups in the ISR D-hutch, a hutch that is optimized to these kinds of problems. I was a member of the team that designed, managed the construction, and commissioned the ISR beamline. See the "Selected Publications" section to read more about this in-situ growth effort.
Expertise | Education | Publications
X-ray diffraction from surfaces, interfaces and thin films.
X-ray Optics
Ph.D. 1989: Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
B.S. 1985: Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
B.S. 1985: Electrical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Selected Publications
- Evans-Lutterodt K, Birgeneau RJ, Specht ED, et al (1989) X-ray study of W(001) with and without hydrogen. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films 7:2209–2216.
- Tang M-T, Evans-Lutterodt KW, Green ML, et al (1994) Growth temperature dependence of the Si(001)/SiO2 interface width. Applied Physics Letters 64:748–750.
- Alam MA, People R, Isaacs E, et al (1999) Simulation and characterization of the selective area growth process. Applied Physics Letters 74:2617–2619.
- Weaver JC, Milliron GW, Miserez A, et al (2012) The Stomatopod Dactyl Club: A Formidable Damage-Tolerant Biological Hammer. Science 336:1275–1280.
- Evans-Lutterodt K, Ablett J, Stein A, et al (2003) Single-element elliptical hard x-ray micro-optics. Optics Express 11:919.
- Stanic V, Bettini J, Montoro FE, et al (2015) Local structure of human hair spatially resolved by sub-micron X-ray beam. Scientific Reports 5:.
- Finfrock YZ, Stern EA, Alkire RW, et al (2013) Mitigation of X-ray damage in macromolecular crystallography by submicrometre line focusing. Acta Crystallographica Section D Biological Crystallography 69:1463–1469.
- Ulbrandt JG, Zhang X, Headrick RL, et al (2020) Fast nonthermal processes in pulsed laser deposition. Physical Review B 101:.
- Liu R, Ulbrandt JG, Hsing H-C, et al (2020) Role of ferroelectric polarization during growth of highly strained ferroelectric materials. Nature Communications 11:.

Brookhaven National Laboratory
National Synchrotron Light Source II
Bldg. 743
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000
(631) 344-2095