General Lab Information

John Gordon

Chair, Chemistry Division

John Gordon

Brookhaven National Laboratory

Chemistry Division
Bldg. 555, Room 200c
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000

(631) 344-4301

Expertise | Research | Education | Publications | Highlights | Awards


Inorganic Chemistry
Organometallic Chemistry
Catalysis Science
Chemistry for (renewable) energy applications

Research Activities

Selected Activities:

  • 2024: Session Chair, Keynote Session, Inorganic Chemistry Research Gordon Conference
  • 2022: Session Chair, Organometallic Chemistry Research Gordon Conference
  • 2022: Member, Career Panel, Organometallic Chemistry Research Graduate Research Symposium
  • 2021: Chair, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Fellows Prize Committee
  • 2021: Co-Organizer, symposium entitled “Catalytic Addition and Removal of Hydrogen for Upgrading Oxidized Bio-Related and Renewable Compounds”, International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem), Honolulu, HI.
  • 2020, 2021: Chair, LDRD Panel, Chemistry Exploratory Research Category, LANL
  • 2019: Invited Reviewer, University of Strasbourg Institute for Advanced Study
  • 2019: Member, Postdoc Distinguished Performance Award Committee, LANL
  • 2017: Chair, Organometallic Chemistry Gordon Research Conference, Salve Regina University, Newport, RI
  • 2017: Session Chair, ACS Award Symposium, (Dr. David L. Clark, recipient), 253rd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA
  • 2016: Vice Chair, Organometallic Chemistry Gordon Research Conference, Salve Regina University, Newport, RI
  • 2015: Organizer, symposium entitled “Homogeneous Catalysis Methodologies for the Upgrading of Biomass Derived Molecules”; held during the International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem) in Honolulu, HI. 
  • 2014: Session Moderator, 2nd International Symposium on Energy Challenges and Mechanics, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK.
  • 2011: Symposium Organizer; “Recycling Carbon: Catalyzed Conversion of Non-Food Biomass to Fuels & Chemicals” (I&EC Division, primary sponsor); held during the 242nd ACS National Meeting, Denver, USA)
  • 2011: Organizer, LANSCE neutron scattering summer school, LANL
  • 2005: Organizer, DOE Office of Basic Energy Sciences Catalysis and Chemical Transformations Contractors’ Meeting
  • 2004: Organizer, DOE Office of Basic Energy Sciences Catalysis and Chemical Transformations Contractors’ Meeting
  • 2003: Session Chair, Inorganic Chemistry Gordon Research Conference 


1992-1995: Postdoctoral Research Associate (Drs. David Clark and John Watkin,), CST-Division, LANL
1990-1992: Postdoctoral Research Associate (Prof. Rinaldo Poli), University of Maryland, College Park, MD
1990: Ph.D. in Chemistry (with Prof. Michael J. Chetcuti), University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN
1985: B.Sc. (Hons) in Chemistry, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

Selected Publications

  • Sharma S, Andrade G A, Maurya S, et al (2021) Iron-iminopyridine complexes as charge carriers for non-aqueous redox flow battery applications. Energy Storage Materials 37:576–586.
  • Batrice R J, Gordon J C (2021) Powering the next industrial revolution: transitioning from nonrenewable energy to solar fuels via CO2 reduction. RSC Advances 11:87–113.
  • M. A. Santiago Cordoba, J. S. Spendelow, A. N. G. Parra-Vasquez, L. A. Kuettner, P. M. Welch, C. E. Hamilton, J. A. Oertel, J. G. Duque, E. J. Meierdierks, T. A. Semelsberger, J. C. Gordon, M. N. Lee "Ultralight Carbon Aerogels from Co-continuous Emulsions", Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 30, 1908383 Featured as a back cover article.
  • Dub, P A, Gordon, J C The role of the metal-bound N–H functionality in Noyori-type molecular catalysts. Nat Rev Chem 2018, 2, 396–408 Featured as the cover article.
  • Dub P A, Scott B L, Gordon J C (2017) Why Does Alkylation of the N–H Functionality within M/NH Bifunctional Noyori-Type Catalysts Lead to Turnover? Journal of the American Chemical Society 139:1245–1260.
  • Sutton A D, Kim J K, Wu R, et al (2016) The Conversion of Starch and Sugars into Branched C10 and C11 Hydrocarbons. ChemSusChem 9:2298–2300. - featured as front cover article.
  • Dub P A, Scott B L, Gordon J C (2015) Air-Stable NNS (ENENES) Ligands and Their Well-Defined Ruthenium and Iridium Complexes for Molecular Catalysis. Organometallics 34:4464–4479.
  • V. K. Do, L. Zhang, A. J. Chavez, N. Alfonso, P. A. Dub, R. P. Currier, J. C. Gordon, T. J. Williams "Pressurized Formic Acid Dehydrogenation: An Entropic Spring Replaces Hydrogen Compression Cost," Catal. Sci. Technol., 2022, 12, 7182.
  • Sutton A D, Burrell A K, Dixon D A, et al (2011) Regeneration of Ammonia Borane Spent Fuel by Direct Reaction with Hydrazine and Liquid Ammonia. Science 331:1426–1429.
  • Davis B L, Dixon D A, Garner E B, et al (2009) Efficient Regeneration of Partially Spent Ammonia Borane Fuel. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 48:6812–6816. - Highlighted as Frontispiece Cover Picture article.

Research Highlights

Service to Journals/Funding Agencies:
  • Currently: Member, Advisory Board, Energy Advances (RSC)
  • Currently: Associate Editor, Frontiers in Chemistry (Inorganic Chemistry)
  • 2019: National Laboratory Observer, DOE Office of Basic Energy Sciences Polymer Upcycling Roundtable
  • 2018-2019: Guest Editor, Special Issue, Inorganics, entitled "First Row Transition Metal Complexes”
  • Currently: Member, Editorial Board, Inorganics
  • Currently: Member, International Advisory Board, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (EurJIC)
  • 2011-2014: Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Inorganic Chemistry
  • 2013: Guest Editor, Special Forum Issue, Inorganic Chemistry, entitled "Aspects of Inorganic Chemistry Related to Nuclear Energy" (2013, 52, Issue 7).
  • Proposal reviewer; National Science Foundation, DOE Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Petroleum Research Fund, The Leverhulme Trust (UK),University of Strasbourg Institute for Advanced Study
  • Manuscript reviewer for ACS journals; Inorganic Chemistry, Organometallics, J. Am. Chem. Soc., I&E Chemistry Research, Chemistry of Materials, ACS Catalysis, ChemCatChem
  • Manuscript reviewer for RSC journals; Chemical Communications, Dalton Transactions, Energy & Environmental Science, Chemical Science, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.
  • Manuscript reviewer for other international journals; Science, Chemistry-A European Journal, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Catalysis Letters, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, International Journal of Energy Research, PNAS (National Academy of Sciences), Comments on Inorganic Chemistry, Nature Communications

Awards & Recognition

2022: Recipient, US Department of Energy's Hydrogen Program R&D Award

2017: Invited Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)

2015: Fellow, American Institute of Chemists (AIC)

2014: Laboratory Fellow, LANL

2014: Fellow, Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

2011: Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

2011: Fellows Prize, LANL

2010: Exceptional Mentor Award (Los Alamos Award Program), Chemistry, Life and Earth Sciences Directorate, LANL

John Gordon

Brookhaven National Laboratory

Chemistry Division
Bldg. 555, Room 200c
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000

(631) 344-4301

John's Links