Kristofer-Roy (Kris) Reyes
Joint Appointment, Applied Math, Computational Science Initiative
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Computational Science Initiative
Bldg. 725
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000
Expertise | Education | Publications
- Bayesian models and methods for decision-making under uncertainty and optimal experimental design
- Kinetic Monte Carlo atomistic simulations
- Ph.D. Applied Mathematics, University of Michigan
Selected Publications
- Epps RW, Bowen MS, Volk AA, Abdel-Latif K, Han S, Reyes KG, Amassian A, Abolhasani M (2020) Artificial Chemist: An Autonomous Quantum Dot Synthesis Bot. Advanced Materials 32:2001626. doi: 10.1002/adma.202001626
- Wang Y, Reyes KG, Brown KA, Mirkin CA, Powell WB (2015) Nested-Batch-Mode Learning and Stochastic Optimization with An Application to Sequential MultiStage Testing in Materials Science. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 37:B361–B381. doi: 10.1137/140971117
- Chen S, Reyes K-RG, Gupta MK, McAlpine MC, Powell WB (2015) Optimal Learning in Experimental Design Using the Knowledge Gradient Policy with Application to Characterizing Nanoemulsion Stability. SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 3:320–345. doi: 10.1137/140971129
- Gongora AE, Xu B, Perry W, Okoye C, Riley P, Reyes KG, Morgan EF, Brown KA (2020) A Bayesian experimental autonomous researcher for mechanical design. Science Advances 6:eaaz1708. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aaz1708
- Vazquez-Anderson J, Mihailovic MK, Baldridge KC, Reyes KG, Haning K, Cho SH, Amador P, Powell WB, Contreras LM (2017) Optimization of a novel biophysical model using large scale in vivo antisense hybridization data displays improved prediction capabilities of structurally accessible RNA regions. Nucleic Acids Research 45:5523–5538. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkx115
- Reyes K, Smereka P, Nothern D, Millunchick JM, Bietti S, Somaschini C, Sanguinetti S, Frigeri C (2013) Unified model of droplet epitaxy for compound semiconductor nanostructures: Experiments and theory. Physical Review B. doi: 10.1103/physrevb.87.165406
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Computational Science Initiative
Bldg. 725
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000