General Lab Information

Lukas Wehmeier

Research Staff 3 Physics, Electronic Structure Technique, National Synchrotron Light Source II

Lukas Wehmeier

Brookhaven National Laboratory

National Synchrotron Light Source II
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000

(631) 344-3653

Lukas is a beamline scientist at the 22-IR-2 (MET) infrared and future INF beamline at the National Synchrotron Light Source II, where he collaborates with users on experiments and participates in beamline development. His research interests include infrared and terahertz nanospectroscopy, two-dimensional materials, and quantum materials.

Expertise | Appointments | Publications


•             Synchrotron-based infrared nanospectroscopy.

•             Scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy.

•             Atomic force microscopy techniques.

•             Quantum materials and strongly correlated electron systems.

•             Two-dimensional materials and van der Waals materials.

•             Infrared and terahertz spectroscopy.

•             Nanophotonics and near-field optics.

Professional Appointments

2024 – present: Research Staff 3, Brookhaven National Laboratory.
2021 – 2024: Research Associate, Brookhaven National Laboratory.

Selected Publications

  • Wehmeier L, Yu S, Chen X, et al (2024) Tunable Phonon Polariton Hybridization in a Van der Waals Hetero-Bicrystal. Advanced Materials 36:.
  • Wehmeier L, Xu S, Mayer RA, et al (2024) Landau-phonon polaritons in Dirac heterostructures. Science Advances 10:.
  • Wehmeier L, Liu M, Park S, et al (2023) Ultrabroadband Terahertz Near-Field Nanospectroscopy with a HgCdTe Detector. ACS Photonics 10:4329–4339.
  • Dapolito M, Tsuneto M, Zheng W, et al (2023) Infrared nano-imaging of Dirac magnetoexcitons in graphene. Nature Nanotechnology 18:1409–1415.
  • Mayer RA, Wehmeier L, Torquato M, et al (2024) Paratellurite Nanowires as a Versatile Material for THz Phonon Polaritons. ACS Photonics.
  • Vitalone RA, S Jessen B, Jing R, et al (2024) Charge Transfer Plasmonics in Bespoke Graphene/α-RuCl3 Cavities. ACS Nano 18:29648–29657.
  • Feres FH, Barcelos ID, Cadore AR, et al (2023) Graphene Nano-Optics in the Terahertz Gap. Nano Letters 23:3913–3920.
Lukas Wehmeier

Brookhaven National Laboratory

National Synchrotron Light Source II
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000

(631) 344-3653

Lukas's Links