General Lab Information

Christine Madonia

Business Operations Manager for Energy & Photon Sciences, Business Ops - BOO, Business Operations Office

Christine Madonia

Brookhaven National Laboratory

Business Operations Office
Bldg. 745
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000

(631) 344-7357

Chris is a deployed Business Operations Manager from the Business Services Directorate (BSD) currently supporting the Energy & Photon Sciences Directorate.  Along with a team of 16 business professionals, she manages the development and reporting of budgets exceeding $300M.  She is also the manager of BSD’s Rotational Program, whose objective is to develop well-rounded, prepared and sufficiently skilled business professionals to effectively support and align with BSD’s and BNL’s strategic objectives. 

Besides either chairing or participating in many BNL committees/workgroups, she is an active participant in the 6-Way Light Source Budget Working Group and participates regularly in DOE Earned Value System Reviews (typically as the accounting lead) across the DOE complex.

Expertise | Education | Certifications


Project Management, Earned Value Management

Management - Cross functional team leadership


Business and Data Analysis, forecasting, budgeting

Business Process Improvement

Microsoft Office Suite


Bachelor of Business Administration, Dowling College 1990


Comprehensive Project Management Certificate, SBU, 2016

Christine Madonia

Brookhaven National Laboratory

Business Operations Office
Bldg. 745
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000

(631) 344-7357