General Lab Information

MG Han

Nanoscale Structure and Structural Defects in Advanced Materials, Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Department

MG Han

Brookhaven National Laboratory

Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Department
Bldg. 480
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000

(631) 344-2391

In situ TEM study of complex materials under external electric and/or magnetic fields, temperature (cooling/heating).

Expertise | Education | Appointments | Publications | Awards


  • Cryogenic (S)TEM combined with in situ electric and magnetic fields down to 10 K
  • Phase imaging: Off-axis electron holography, Lorentz microscopy and 4D STEM
  • STEM imaging/spectroscopy
  • Ferroelectricity and ferromagnetism


Ph.D., 2007, Materials Science, Arizona State University

Professional Appointments

  • 2014.10 – Present, Associate Physicist, Condensed Matter Physics & Materials Science, Brookhaven National Laboratory
  • 2012.04 – 2014.09 Assistant Physicist, Condensed Matter Physics & Materials Science, Brookhaven National Laboratory
  • 2009.02 – 2012.03 Postdoctoral Associate, Condensed Matter Physics & Materials Science, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Supervisor Dr. Yimei Zhu
  • 2008.01 – 2009.01 Postdoctoral Associate, Nanostructure Research Laboratory, Japan Fine Ceramics Center, Japan, Supervisor Dr. Tsukasa Hirayama
  • 2003.08 – 2007.12 Research Assistant, School of Materials, Arizona State University, Supervisors Profs. Martha R. McCartney and David J. Smith

Selected Publications

  • Du Q, Hu Z, Han M-G, et al (2022) Topological Hall Effect Anisotropy in Kagome Bilayer Metal Fe3Sn2. Physical Review Letters 129:.
  • Telford EJ, Dismukes AH, Dudley RL, et al (2022) Coupling between magnetic order and charge transport in a two-dimensional magnetic semiconductor. Nature Materials 21:754–760.
  • Du K, Huang F-T, Kim J, et al (2021) Topological spin/structure couplings in layered chiral magnet Cr 1/3 TaS 2 ?: The discovery of spiral magnetic superstructure. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118:.
  • Zhang Y, Tan Y, Sando D, et al (2020) Controlled Nucleation and Stabilization of Ferroelectric Domain Wall Patterns in Epitaxial (110) Bismuth Ferrite Heterostructures. Advanced Functional Materials 30:2003571.
  • Han M-G, Garlow JA, Kharkov Y, et al (2020) Scaling, rotation, and channeling behavior of helical and skyrmion spin textures in thin films of Te-doped Cu 2 OSeO 3. Science Advances 6:.
  • Han M-G, Garlow JA, Liu Y, et al (2019) Topological Magnetic-Spin Textures in Two-Dimensional van der Waals Cr2Ge2Te6. Nano Letters 19:7859–7865.

Awards & Recognition

  • Editorial Board for Applied Microscopy
MG Han

Brookhaven National Laboratory

Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Department
Bldg. 480
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000

(631) 344-2391

MG's Links