Ning Bao
Joint Appointment, Quantum Computing, Computational Science Initiative
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Computational Science Initiative
Bldg. 725
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000
Hi! My name is Ning Bao, and my focus is on quantum information science and how it relates to other areas of physics, particularly high energy physics and condensed matter physics. If you have any questions, please drop me an e-mail at!
Expertise | Research | Education | Appointments | Publications | Highlights
- Quantum Information Theory
- Quantum Computing
- High Energy Physics
- String Theory
- General Relativity
- Quantum Field Theory
- Condensed Matter Physics
Research Activities
- How does quantum information science inform fundamental physics?
- How does fundamental physics inform quantum information science?
- Can classical machine learning aid the development of quantum computing techniques?
- Can techniques from high energy physics and condensed matter physics guide the development of novel quantum algorithms?
- BS Caltech 2008
- MS Caltech 2009
- PhD Stanford 2014
Professional Appointments
Burke Prize Postdoctoral Fellow, Caltech, 2014-2017
Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, UC Berkeley, 2017-2020
Quantum Computational Scientist, Brookhaven National Lab, 2019-Present
Selected Publications
- Bao N, Nezami S, Ooguri H, et al (2015) The holographic entropy cone. Journal of High Energy Physics 2015:.
- Bao N, Penington G, Sorce J, Wall AC (2019) Beyond toy models: distilling tensor networks in full AdS/CFT. Journal of High Energy Physics 2019:.
- Bao N, Cao C, Carroll SM, et al (2015) Consistency conditions for an AdS multiscale entanglement renormalization ansatz correspondence. Physical Review D 91:.
- Bao N, Halpern IF (2018) Holographic inequalities and entanglement of purification. Journal of High Energy Physics 2018:.
- Bao N, Halpern IF (2019) Conditional and multipartite entanglements of purification and holography. Physical Review D 99:.
Research Highlights
- Discovered the holographic entropy cone
- Constructed a faithful tensor network representation for holographic states and spacetimes
- Derived bulk reconstruction of the metric for spacetime geometries
- Used Grover search lower bounds to quantify the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis
- Defined the multipartite and conditional entanglements of purification
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Computational Science Initiative
Bldg. 725
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000