James Rose
Deputy Director, NSLS-II Accelerator Division, RF Group lead, National Synchrotron Light Source II

Brookhaven National Laboratory
National Synchrotron Light Source II
Bldg. 745, Room 111
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000
(631) 344-7079
As a Deputy Director for NSLS-II Accelerator Division I am responsible for leading the Radio Frequency and Cryogenic systems group and the Accelerator Improvement Projects (AIP) for improving the performance of the NSLS-II accelerator systems and increasing reliability. Working with high voltage, high RF power and cryogenic systems safety is paramount, and a key responsibility is to provide a safe working environment and ensure compliance with laboratory safety programs.
Expertise | Education | Appointments
Guided waves and accelerator cavity design, beam pickups and diagnostics, accelerator and cryoplant applications and operations
MSc Electrophysics, 1990, Polytechnic University of NY
Professional Appointments
Brookhaven Laboratory, 1991-present
2020-present Deputy Director for Operations, Accelerator Division- Managing the $50M portfolio of Accelerator Improvements Projects which now includes the redundant coldbox, new Solid State transmitter, Mitigation of Power interuptions, Backup Dipole PS, second Electron Gun/test stand as well as supervising the Radio Frequency and Cryogenic Systems group.
2006-2020 RF/Cryo group leader, NSLS-II project and operations- As part of the initial NSLS-II design team developed the Linac/Booster and Storage ring systems. This includes everything from the electron gun to the Superconducting RF cavities the latter of which are assembled in the NSLS-II SRF clean room. Following commissioning led successful Accelerator Improvement Projects in a ~$50M portfolio which includes the 3rd RF system and second coldbox
2000-2006, NSLS Accelerator Physics group- From Project engineer to Machine Physicist for Booster/Linac- developed LLRF system for DUVFEL, beam diagnostics for Linac and Booster
RHIC project 1991-2000, RF group leader- developed 28MHz cavity and 28 MHz to 197 MHz high power systems
Grumman Advanced Energy Group 1983-1991 Applied electro-physics problems in radar and fusion, accelerator assignments at BNL, LANL
Stony Brook/NYS Research Foundation 1981-1983 "SUNYLAC" superconducting heavy ion linac project- From technician to head of cavity plating and assembly labs

Brookhaven National Laboratory
National Synchrotron Light Source II
Bldg. 745, Room 111
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000
(631) 344-7079