General Lab Information

Steve Bennett

Advanced Technical Associate Electro-Mechanical, Imaging & Microscopy Program, National Synchrotron Light Source II

Steve Bennett

Brookhaven National Laboratory

National Synchrotron Light Source II
Bldg. 743
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000

(631) 344-4719

Steve started working at BNL in 1977 as a technician assigned to the super conducting power transmission project specializing in high voltage and high current testing. This was a project, partially funded by electric companies, to study the feasibility and viability of using super conductors to transport electricity.

In 1980 Steve moved to the proton accelerator where he helped to develop both the single bunch and fast extraction systems using novel kicker designs for use in high radiation environments. He specialized in both analog and digital processing techniques interfacing both high voltage / high current applications in electrically noisy environments.

Steve was then assigned in 1983 to the Exxon/Mobil participating research team where we designed, developed and constructed five multi-use beamlines at the NSLS. He specialized in design and development of controls instrumentation, data acquisition and safety electronic equipment. For the Exxon and affiliate users, who did not want to travel to BNL, He would run their experiments for them using diffraction/scattering techniques, specializing in WAX, SAX, uSAX and gSAX and delivering their data quickly, partially reduced with the background subtracted. We also were able to develop a system to do SAX/WAX simultaneously. Because of being at a remote site, Steve also gained a lot of experience in computer administration and Interfacing experiments using Windows, Unix/Linux and VMS. In late 1990, we developed experimental techniques using remote access to our scattering beamlines. This allowed access for a remote user/observers to perform and observe experiments that was independent of the computer operating system.

After moving to the NSLSII in 2013, Steve was assigned to CSX1 and CSX2, where our team developed the first light beamline. We also supported the other six project beamlines. As the manager, for the newly formed technical support group, he was charged with the construction and development for five NeXT and six BDN beamlines along with support for the seven project beamlines. The BDN beamlines were probably the most challenging. Our group was able to successfully re-purpose legacy and vintage equipment from the NSLS and bring them up to NSLSII standards. 

Finally, assigned to the Imaging and Microscopy Program as a technician supporting the needs, wants and desires of the program.......

Awards | Certifications

Awards & Recognition

Spotlight award 2014 as part of a team for first light at the CSX beamline.

UEC award 2017 integrating vintage legacy equipment from NSLS to NSLSII at XFM.


Microsoft computer certifications @ Briarcliffe College


NSLSII Crane/Rigging Evaluator

Work Control Coordinator

Electrical Competent Person (ECP) for the Imaging program 

Steve Bennett

Brookhaven National Laboratory

National Synchrotron Light Source II
Bldg. 743
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000

(631) 344-4719