General Lab Information

Thomas Chiesa

Electrical Engineer, EE Group, National Synchrotron Light Source II

Thomas Chiesa

Brookhaven National Laboratory

National Synchrotron Light Source II
Bldg. 744, Room 4L147
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000

(631) 344-7089

Thomas Chiesa is an electrical hardware engineer with a distinct passion for power electronics.  In the past he has worked with power electronics in both the industrial automation and defense industries designing and testing FPGA, mixed signal, and output power stage hardware.  His deep rooted passion for physics and electrical engineering ultimately led him to work at Brookhaven National Lab on the precision magnet power supply controls hardware for synchrotron particle accelerator systems used for applied science research.

Expertise | Education


  • Power Electronics
  • Mixed Signal circuitry
  • FPGA hardware


M.S., Electrical Engineering, SUNY Stony Brook University, 2014

Thomas Chiesa

Brookhaven National Laboratory

National Synchrotron Light Source II
Bldg. 744, Room 4L147
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000

(631) 344-7089