General Lab Information

Venkateswaran (Shekar) Shekar

Scientific Data Analysis & Vis, National Synchrotron Light Source II

Venkateswaran (Shekar) Shekar

Brookhaven National Laboratory

National Synchrotron Light Source II
Bldg. 741
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000

(631) 344-5036

Shekar is an Advanced Technology Engineer in the DSSI group, specializing in software development for structural biology beamlines. Using his deep expertise in software engineering, machine learning, and visualization, Shekar has enhanced data collection workflows for the AMX and FMX beamlines. Shekar has also developed multiple software tools for beamlines such as LIX, XFM, and XFP, contributing to more efficient and streamlined operations.

Expertise | Education


  • Software engineering
  • Machine learning
  • High performance computing
  • Visualization


PhD in Computer Engineering, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, 2022

Venkateswaran (Shekar) Shekar

Brookhaven National Laboratory

National Synchrotron Light Source II
Bldg. 741
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000

(631) 344-5036