Summit Speaker

Jazmín Aguado-Sierra
Ramón y Cajal Fellow at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center Scientific Consultant for Elem Biotech, Spain
Jazmín Aguado-Sierra is a Ramón y Cajal Fellow at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center and a Scientific Consultant for Elem Biotech, Spain. Her entire research career has been devoted to the study of the cardiac and vascular system employing computational engineering techniques to understand, diagnose and provide insights into the optimal treatment of cardiovascular disease. She obtained her Biomedical Engineering degree from Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico and her PhD degree at Imperial College London, UK, at the Bioengineering Department under the supervision of Emeritus Professor Kim H. Parker. She held a PostDoctoral position at the Cardiac Mechanics Research Group of the University of California San Diego, under supervision of Prof. Andrew McCulloch. She has been part of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center since 2012 developing high performance computing, multi-scale, multi-physics models of the cardiac and vascular systems. Her areas of research include: sex differences and detailed cardiac anatomical analysis, in-silico cardiac safety drug testing, ventricular tachycardia and medical device testing.
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Please contact the summit coordinator if you have questions or would like further information.
Kerstin Kleese Van Dam
(631) 344-6019