General Lab Information

Participant Information

Location & Directions

The State University of New York
SUNY Global Center
New York, New York 10022


Participants will meet at the SUNY Global Center, Global Classroom and Reception Area, located on 116 East 55th Street - Directions

SUNY Global Center Referral List

Our Values and Expected Conduct

At Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) or BNL-sponsored events, discriminatory behavior or harassment of conference participants or presenters will not be tolerated.

Summit Accommodations

A block of rooms at the Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel has been reserved at a preferred rate of $315 US/night (plus applicable taxes) and are on a first come, first served basis. Interested participants are encouraged to make their reservations early. The rate includes complimentary basic wireless internet access. Check with the hotel about their cancellation policy and if they offer shuttle service.

Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel
811 7th Avenue 53rd Street
New York, NY, 10019 USA

Phone: +1 212-581-1000, Tool Free: +1 888-236-2427

Group Name (Phone-in Reservation): Brookhaven Science Associates
Reservation Cutoff Date: Friday, September 22, 2023
Method of Payment: Self-Pay (credit card)

Direct reservations at the summit rate can be made by clicking the button below. When booking a room, you must guarantee your room with a credit card. Please contact the hotel to find out about their cancellation policy.

Reserve Room

Hotel Information, Location & Transportation | Directions & Map

Other Nearby Hotels

Accommodations located around the SUNY Global Center in New York City. When booking your reservation, you may need to guarantee your room with a credit card.

View Hotels

Additional Information