Summit Speaker
Lynn L. Borkon
Lynn L. Borkon leads AI and HPC collaborations development in the Cancer Data Science Initiatives group at the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research (FNL). Working with key stakeholders, she provides leadership to build a diverse, predictive oncology community and foster interdisciplinary research projects, focusing on biomedical digital twins. The group is creating an interactive portal to expand opportunities for biomedical researchers to use AI/ML resources, including those developed by the National Cancer Institute-Department of Energy Collaboration to accelerate cancer research and advanced scientific computing.
Lynn also provides leadership for cross-organization data science learning collaborations. She has co-organized novel international events, including the Frontiers in Predictive Oncology and Computing meetings, Computational Approaches for Cancer Workshop at the international Supercomputing Conference, now in its ninth year, and the AI in Cancer Research and Clinical Care Symposium. In 2020, she led an FNL initiative to support the launch of the NIH Harnessing Data Science for Health Discovery, and Innovation in Africa program.
Lynn has broad experience in strategic communication and public policy for high-profile initiatives in Congress, at federal agencies, the Pentagon, professional associations, and leading consulting firms. She is a contributing author of recent publications on cancer digital twins and predictive radiation oncology. Lynn did graduate work at the Institute of World Politics in Washington, DC and received an A.B. degree from Smith College.
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Please contact the summit coordinator if you have questions or would like further information.
Kerstin Kleese Van Dam
(631) 344-6019