General Lab Information

Summit Speaker


Florence Hudson

Executive Director and Principal Investigator for the NSF and NIH funded Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub at Columbia University

Florence Hudson is Executive Director and Principal Investigator for the NSF and NIH funded Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub at Columbia University, COVID Information Commons, Cybersecurity Risk Conference and National Student Data Corps. She is also Founder and CEO of FDHint, LLC, a global advanced technology and diversity & inclusion consulting firm. She Chairs the IEEE P2933 Working Group on Clinical Internet of Things Data and Device Interoperability with TIPPSS (Trust, Identity, Privacy, Protection, Safety and Security) and is on the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Standards Committee. She is a former IBM Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, Internet2 Senior Vice President and Chief Innovation Officer, Special Advisor for the NSF Cybersecurity Center of Excellence, and aerospace engineer at the NASA Jet Propulsion Lab and Grumman Aerospace Corporation. She earned her Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering degree from Princeton University, and executive education certificates from Harvard Business School and Columbia University.

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Kerstin Kleese Van Dam

(631) 344-6019