General Lab Information

Summit Speaker


Dwight V. Nissley

Director, Cancer Research Technology Program, Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research

Dr. Nissley is Director of the Cancer Research Technology Directorate at Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research. He is responsible for scientists working in a broad range of technology, and basic/translational research including; genomics, proteomics, optical microscopy, SEM and TEM microscopy, cryo-EM (including the National cryo-EM Facility), nanotechnology, oncology research and drug discovery. He leads the NCI RAS Initiative, a National Cancer Institute-funded program that aims to find therapeutic interventions against oncogenic Ras which is a driver in up to a third of all cancers. As part of the NCI-DOE collaboration he serves as NCI lead on the Molecular Level Pilot for RAS Structure and Dynamics in Cellular Membranes and is a member of the Joint Research Committee for the Accelerating Therapeutics for Opportunities in Medicine (ATOM) consortium, a public-private partnership dedicated to transforming drug discovery through advanced computation.

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Kerstin Kleese Van Dam

(631) 344-6019