XAFS 2022
Short Course on X-ray Absorption Fine Structure: Theory, Data Analysis and Modeling
Dates: November 2–4, 2022
This meeting will be held as a virtual event.
About this Course
Every year NSLS-II offers a 3-day training course to those interested in learning about the use of x-ray absorption spectroscopy methods. This year, the course will be offered online from November 2–4, 2022. It continues the annual tradition of gathering a group of scientists, active in the field, to share their expertise with those interested in learning about the use of x-ray spectroscopy methods in their research.
The course will be useful for those scientists' interested in learning XANES and EXAFS methods, including experiment and data analysis, a nd are interested in advanced analysis and modeling methods applicable for nanomaterials research. The course will be run in a flip c lassroom mode (online). Participants will study video-presentations of leading experts in XAFS methods and applications in advance of the workshop. The video-lectures will be assembled to follow the workshop agenda.
During the workshop, the instructors will divide participants in breakout sections for in-depth problem solving, data analysis and modeling, to best match participants and their research interests. There will be Q&A sessions on the subject of the lectures, and in depth p racticums of the EXAFS and XANES analysis software programs. X-ray spectroscopy is one of the main techniques of the DOE light sources, and the course supports the DOE mission by educating new users in the applications of this technique.
The course will be open to 80 participants, selected based on their application materials.
- Wednesday, November 2 and Thursday, November 3 will be devoted to lectures and demonstrations of the software packages.
- Friday, November 4 will be devoted to the practical session, in which participants will practice problem solving methods discussed in the previous days. Registered participants will have an option to analyze their own data, in addition to the projects chosen for training purpose.
Course Instructors
- A. Frenkel (SBU/BNL)
- J. Kas (UW)
- S. Kelly (APS)
- L. Ma (BNL)
- J. Li (SBU)
- Y. Li (ORNL)
- N. Marcella (UIUC/BNL)
- P. Routh (SBU/BNL)
- D. Sprouster (SBU)
- J. Timoshenko (FHI)
- F. Vila (UW)
- H. Wang (SBU)
- S. Xiang (SBU)
- K. Zheng (SBU)
Course Administrator
Mercy Baez
(631) 344-5769
(631) 344-7039
Course Coordinator
Anatoly Frenkel
(631) 344-3013
Group Photo
Event ID: E000004513
Note: This event falls under Exemption D (Formal classroom training held at Federal facilities, which does not exhibit indicia of a formal conference as outlined in the Conference/Event Exemption Request Form.) Participation is contingent on application acceptance.
Workshop website hosted and maintained by Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL).
XAFS 2021
Short Course: Introduction to X-ray Absorption Fine Structure
Dates: June 8–11, 2021
This meeting will be held as a virtual event.
About this Course
Every year NSLS-II offers a 3-day training course to those interested in learning about the use of x-ray absorption spectroscopy methods. This year, the course will be offered online from November 17–19, 2021. It continues the annual tradition of gathering a group of scientists, active in the field, to share their expertise with those interested in learning about the use of x-ray spectroscopy methods in their research.
The course will be useful for those scientists' interested in learning XANES and EXAFS methods, including experiment and data analysis, and are interested in advanced analysis and modeling methods applicable for nanomaterials research. The course will be run in a flip classroom mode (online). Participants will study video-presentations of leading experts in XAFS methods and applications in advance of the workshop. The video-lectures will be assembled to follow the workshop agenda.
During the workshop, the instructors will divide participants in breakout sections for in-depth problem solving, data analysis and modeling, to best match participants and their research interests. There will be Q&A sessions on the subject of the lectures, and in depth practicums of the EXAFS and XANES analysis software programs. X-ray spectroscopy is one of the main techniques of the DOE light sources, and the course supports the DOE mission by educating new users in the applications of this technique.
The course will be open to 80 participants, selected based on their application materials.
- Wednesday, November 17 and Thursday, November 18 will be devoted to lectures and demonstrations of the software packages.
- Friday, November 19 will be devoted to the practical session, in which participants will practice problem solving methods discussed in the previous days. Registered participants will have an option to analyze their own data, in addition to the projects chosen for training purpose.
Course Instructors
- Grant Bunker (IIT)
- Amani Ebrahim (SSRL)
- Anatoly Frenkel (SBU/BNL)
- Joshua Kas (UW)
- Fernando Vila (UW)
- Shelly Kelly (Argonne)
- Yuanyuan Li (SBU)
- Yang Liu (SBU)
- Nicholas Marcella (SBU)
- David Sprouster (SBU)
Course Administrator
Mercy Baez
(631) 344-5769
(631) 344-7039
Course Coordinator
Anatoly Frenkel
(631) 344-3013
Group Photo
Event ID: E000003631
Note: This event falls under Exemption D (Formal classroom training held at Federal facilities, which does not exhibit indicia of a formal conference as outlined in the Conference/Event Exemption Request Form.) Participation is contingent on application acceptance.
Workshop website hosted and maintained by Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL).
XAFS 2020
Short Course on X-ray Absorption Fine Structure: Application to Nanomaterials
Dates: June 8–11, 2020
This meeting will be held as a virtual event.
About this Course
Every year Synchrotron Catalysis Consortium, in partnership with NSLS-II, organizes and runs a 3-day short course to those interested in learning about the use of x-ray absorption spectroscopy methods. This year, the course will be offered online from November 18–20, 2020. It continues the annual tradition of gathering a group of scientists, active in the field, to share their expertise with those interested in learning about the use of x-ray spectroscopy methods in their research.
The course will be useful for those scientists' who already possess basic experience with XANES and EXAFS methods, including experiment and data analysis, and are interested in advanced analysis and modeling methods applicable for nanomaterials research. The course will be run as a flip classroom mode (online). Participants will study video-presentations of leading experts in XAFS methods and applications in advance of the workshop. The video-lectures will be assembled to follow the workshop agenda.
During the workshop, the instructors will divide participants in breakout sections for in-depth problem solving, data analysis and modeling, to best match participants and their research interests. There will be Q&A sessions on the subject of the lectures, and in depth practicums of the EXAFS and XANES analysis software programs. X-ray spectroscopy is one of the main techniques of the DOE light sources, and the course supports the DOE mission by educating new users in the applications of this technique.
The course will be open to 80 participants, selected based on their application materials.
- Wednesday, November 18 and Thursday, November 19 will be devoted to lectures and demonstrations of the software packages.
- Friday, November 20 will be devoted to the practical session, in which participants will practice problem solving methods discussed in the previous days. Registered participants will have an option to analyze their own data, in addition to the projects chosen for training purpose
Course Instructors
- Grant Bunker (IIT)
- Amani Ebrahim (SBU)
- Anatoly Frenkel (SBU/BNL)
- Joshua Kas (UW)
- Shelly Kelly (Honeywell
- Yuanyuan Li (SBU)
- Yang Liu (SBU)
- Kirill Lomachenko (ESRF)
- Lu Ma (BNL)
- Nicholas Marcella (SBU)
- Nebojsa Marinkovic (Columbia)
- Carlo Segre (IIT)
- David Sprouster (SBU)
- Fernando Vila (UW)
- Zhenhua Xie (Columbia)
- Feng Zhang (BNL)
Course Administrator
Mercy Baez
(631) 344-5769
(631) 344-7039
Course Coordinator
Anatoly Frenkel
(631) 344-3013
Group Photo
Event ID: E000003472
Note: This event falls under Exemption D (Formal classroom training held at Federal facilities, which does not exhibit indicia of a formal conference as outlined in the Conference/Event Exemption Request Form.) Participation is contingent on application acceptance.
Workshop website hosted and maintained by Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL).
XAFS 2019
Short Course on X-ray Absorption Fine Structure: Theory, Data Analysis and Modeling
Dates: June 8–11, 2019
This meeting will be held as a virtual event.
About this Course
Every year NSLS-II offers a 3-day training course to those interested in learning about the use of x-ray absorption spectroscopy methods. This year, the course will be offered on November 13–15, 2019. It continues the annual tradition of gathering a group of scientists, active in the field, to share their expertise with those interested in learning about the use of x-ray spectroscopy methods in their research.
The course will be useful for those scientists' who want to advance their knowledge of XANES and EXAFS data analysis, and its many applications to fundamental and applied sciences. The course will include lectures, software demonstrations, and data analysis sessions. X-ray spectroscopy is one of the main techniques of the DOE light sources, and the course supports the DOE mission by educating new users in the applications of this technique.
The course will be open to 40 participants, selected based on their application materials.
- Wednesday, November 13 and Thursday, November 14 will be devoted to lectures and demonstrations of the software packages.
- Friday, November 15 will be devoted to the practical session, in which participants will practice problem solving methods discussed in the previous days. Registered participants will have an option to analyze their own data, in addition to the projects chosen for training purpose
Course Instructors
- Anatoly Frenkel (Stony Brook/BNL)
- Erjia Guan (Stony Brook)
- Ji Hoon Lee (Columbia U.)
- Jiahao Huang (Stony Brook)
- Yuanyuan Li (Stony Brook)
- Kirill Lomachenko (ESRF)
- Lu Ma (BNL)
- Nicholas Marcella (Stony Brook)
- Nebosja Marinkovic (Columbia U.)
- John Rehr (U. Washington)
- Yiyao Tian (Stony Brook)
- Fernando Vila (U. Washington)
- Joseph Woicik (NIST)
- Zhenhua Xie (Columbia U.)
Course Administrator
Mercy Baez
(631) 344-5769
(631) 344-7039
Course Coordinator
Anatoly Frenkel
(631) 344-3013
Group Photo
Event ID: 0000002948
Note: This event falls under Exemption D (Formal classroom training held at Federal facilities, which does not exhibit indicia of a formal conference as outlined in the Conference/Event Exemption Request Form.) Participation is contingent on application acceptance.
Workshop website hosted and maintained by Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL).
EXAFS 2018
Short Course: Introduction to X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Dates: November 6–8, 2018
Course Venue
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Upton, NY 11973 USA
Course Location
Medical Research Center (Bldg. 490)
Large Conference Room (8-205)
About this Course
Every year NSLS-II offers a 3-day training course to those interested in learning about the use of x-ray absorption spectroscopy methods. This year, the course will be offered on November 6, 2018–November 8, 2019. It continues the annual tradition of gathering a group of scientists, active in the field, to share their expertise with those interested in learning about the use of x-ray spectroscopy methods in their research.
The course will be useful for those scientists' who want to acquire basic knowledge about XAFS technique and its many applications to fundamental and applied sciences. The course will include lectures, software demonstrations, and data analysis sessions. X-ray spectroscopy is one of the main techniques of the DOE light sources, and the course supports the DOE mission by educating new users in the applications of this technique.
The course will be open to 40 participants, selected based on their application materials.
- Tuesday, November 6 and Wednesday, November 7 will be devoted to lectures and demonstrations of the software packages. Hands on data collection at the QAS beamline will be planned on one of those days.
- Thursday, November 8 will be devoted to the practical session, in which participants will practice problem solving methods discussed in the previous days. Registered participants will have an option to analyze the data collected on November 6 or 7 and/or their own projects.
Course Instructors
- Syed Khalid (BNL)
- Steve Ehrlich (BNL)
- Fernando Vila (U. Washington)
- Anatoly Frenkel (BNL/Stony Brook U.)
- Ned Marinkovic (Columbia U.)
- Klaus Attenkofer (BNL)
- Yuanyuan Li (SBU)
- Carlo Lamberti (U. Torino)
- Silvia Bordiga (U. Oslo)
- Kirill Lomachenko (ESRF)
- Robert Gordon (SFU)
- Faisal Alamgir (Georgia Tech)
Course Administrator
Mercy Baez
(631) 344-5769
(631) 344-7039
Course Coordinator
Anatoly Frenkel
(631) 344-3013
Group Photo
Note: This event falls under Exemption D (Formal classroom training held at Federal facilities, which does not exhibit indicia of a formal conference as outlined in the Conference/Event Exemption Request Form.) Participation is contingent on application acceptance.
Workshop website hosted and maintained by Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL).
EXAFS 2017
Data Analysis and Modeling of XANES and EXAFS Spectra: Applications to Nanomaterials
Dates: November 1–3, 2017
Course Venue
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Upton, NY 11973 USA
Course Location
Medical Research Center (Bldg. 490)
Large Conference Room (8-205)
About this Course
The course will be offered on November 1–3, 2017, at Brookhaven National Laboratory. It continues the annual tradition of gathering a group of scientists, active in the field, to share their expertise with those interested in learning about the use of x-ray spectroscopy methods in their research. The course will be useful for those scientists who are already familiar with the foundations of XAFS experiment, theory and data analysis, and seek training in advanced methods.
The course will include lectures, software demonstrations, and data analysis sessions. The emphasis will be on applications of XAFS to nanomaterials but we will welcome all participants who are interested in modern analysis methods. Course instructors will use examples from their research during presentations.
Topics covered will include theory of XANES, data analysis using XANES, structural refinement using XANES, molecular dynamics, reverse Monte Carlo and machine learning methods and their application to XANES data analysis. During the data analysis practicum on November 3, participants will get an opportunity to work with research projects with the help of the course instructors.
The course will be open to 30 participants, selected based on their application materials.
- Wednesday, November 1 and Thursday, November 2 will be devoted to lectures and demonstrations of the software packages.
- Friday, November 3 will be devoted to the practical session, in which registered participants will practice problem solving methods discussed in the previous days. We will also plan a tour of spectroscopy program beamlines at the NSLS-II in one of the days.
Course Instructors
- J. Timoshenko (SBU)
- V. Krayzman (NIST)
- A. Kuzmin (ISSP, Riga)
- Y. Li (SBU)
- H. Singh (SBU)
- A. Frenkel (SBU/BNL).
Course Administrator
Mercy Baez
(631) 344-5769
(631) 344-7039
Course Coordinator
Anatoly Frenkel
(631) 344-3013
Group Photo
Event ID: EXE-D-EXAFS2017
Note: This event falls under Exemption D (Formal classroom training held at Federal facilities, which does not exhibit indicia of a formal conference as outlined in the Conference/Event Exemption Request Form.) Participation is contingent on application acceptance.
Workshop website hosted and maintained by Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL).
XAFS 2016
X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy (XAFS) Short Course: Principles and Applications
XAFS 2015
Short Course: Advanced Topics in XAFS Data Analysis and Modeling
XAFS 2014
Short Course: Methods and Applications of X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy
XAS 2013
In situ Methods of X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
XANES 2012
XANES Short Course: Theory, Analysis, Applications
XAFS 2011
XAFS Short Course: Introduction to the Experiment, Data Analysis and Modeling
XAFS 2010
Advanced Topics in XAFS Data Modeling
XAFS 2009
In situ and operando XAFS Experiments and Data Analysis
XAFS 2008
Introduction to XAFS: Experiment, Theory, Data Analysis
XAFS 2007
Short Course: Application of XAFS to Nanocatalysis Science
XAFS 2006
XAFS Studies of Nanocatalysts and Chemical Transformations
EXAFS 2005
EXAFS Course: Theory, Experiment and Advanced Applications
Workshop websites hosted and maintained by Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL).