- Introduction and Overview of XAFS
A. Frenkel (SBU/BNL) - Obtaining 3D Structure From EXAFS spectra:
Part 1: Wavelet Transform Analysis
Part 2: Reverse Monte Carlo Simulations and Evolutionary Algorithm
J. Timoshenko (Fritz Haber Institute, Berlin) - Software demonstration for Molecular Dynamics simulations of EXAFS:
Part 1: The use of Molecular Dynamics Simulations for the Interpretation of EXAFS spectra
Part 2: EDACA Software Demonstration for Molecular Dynamics Simulations of EXAFS spectra
A. Kuzmin (University of Latvia, Riga) - Resolving Spectral Mixtures: Linear Combination Fitting, Principal Component Analysis and MCR-ALS
P. Routh (SBU) - Machine Learning Analysis of XANES and EXAFS
N. Marcella (U. Illinois)