News and Notes
insight into CFN
December 11, 2013
Upcoming Meetings, Workshops, and Events
- 2014 NSLS/CFN Joint Users’ Meeting: Monday-Wednesday, May 19–21
- 2014 American Chemical Society National Meeting: March 16–20, 2014, in Dallas, Texas. CFN will contribute funds to offset travel expenses for the PHYS Symposia
- 2014 National User Facility Organization (NUFO) Annual Meeting: April 30–May 2, 2014 in Richland, Washington
CFN News Stories
- Using Data Science Tools to Discover New Nanostructured Materials
- Nano-Cone Textures Generate Extremely "Robust" Water-Repellent Surfaces
- Mixing Nanoparticles to Make Multifunctional Materials
- Nanocrystal Catalyst Transforms Impure Hydrogen into Electricity
- Shedding New Light on the 'Electron Highways' of Organic Solar Cells
- Tiny Nanocubes Help Scientists Tell Left from Right
- Exposure to Air Transforms Gold Alloys Into Catalytic Nanostructures
- Atomic-Scale Investigations Solve Key Puzzle of LED Efficiency
Awards and Honors
Brookhaven Lab Spotlight Award Winners: James Buddenhagen, Pamela Ciufo, Lorraine Davis, David Elling, Dmytro Nykpanchuk, Donna Storan, and Sam Tenney
Safety Training Updates for both CFN Users and Staff
There are three new Computer Based Training (CBT) courses:
- Everyone who is required to take Lab Standard training needs to also complete the new Global Harmonization CBT training: Globally Harmonized System Impact (TQ-GHS-IMPACT). This training covers new OSHA designations for chemicals. New icons are already in use on the Hazard Information Placards posted on the entrance to CFN laboratories. You will also see the new GHS symbols on new containers and bottles.
- Users of corrosive etches such as acids, bases, Piranha, and HF need to take the course Corrosive Etch Solutions (TQ-CORETCH).
- People working with HF need both a new CBT training, Hydrofluoric Acid: Personal Contamination Procedures (TQ-HF-CONTAM), and hands-on instruction of how to handle HF solutions.
The above trainings will be added to your JTA as appropriate. If you have any questions, please contact Grace Webster ( or Bob Sabatini ( for clarification.
Comings and Goings
New Hires
Denean McArthur, Senior Administrative Support, CFN Administration
Kai He, Research Associate, Electron Microscopy
Viet-Hung Pham, Research Associate, Electrophoretic Deposition
Huolin Xin, Staff Scientist, Electron Microscopy
J. Anibal Boscoboinik, Staff Scientist, Proximal Probes
New Alumni
- Aaron Johnston-Peck – NIST in Maryland
- Joung-Suk Park – University of California, Irvine
- Judy Thompson – Retired
- Rocio Cortes-Rodriguez
- Nan Shao – University of Nebraska
2013-4509 | INT/EXT | Newsroom