A key goal of LBMS is to organize, nurture and expand the cryo-EM community for Department of Energy (DOE)-funded researchers. This powerful and versatile technique will help to advance our understanding of the biological complexity of plant and microbial metabolism and their interfaces across scales spanning molecules to ecosystems, and to develop technologies to identify DOE mission-relevant metabolic capabilities and engineering possibilities in bacteria, fungi, archaea, viruses, plants and mixed communities.
This cryo-EM course is a major element in our DOE Outreach activities. The aim is to attract researchers from this community to take advantage of LBMS' cryo-EM and help them in all phases including project initiation, sample preparation, data collection, and data processing and interpretation.
Course Topics
- Introduction to LBMS
- Introduction to electron microscopy and structural biology
- Introduction to electron microscope and image formation process
- Introduction to negative staining and cryo-electron microscopy
- Single-particle sample preparation tutorial and demonstration (negative staining and cryogenic vitrification)
- Single particle reconstruction: theory, application and available software
- MicroED: theory, application and available software
- Cryo-electron tomography
- EPU single particle data collection tutorial and demonstration
- Model building, refinement, and validation.
- Cryo-FIB sample preparation tutorial and demonstration
- SerialEM electron tomography data collection tutorial and demonstration
- Single-particle data analysis workflow tutorial and demonstration
- Tomographic data analysis workflow including subtomography average tutorial and demonstration.
Invited Speakers
- Ben Barad (OHSU)
- Muyuan Chen (Stanford)
- Oliver Clarke (Columbia)
- David DeRosier (Brandeis)
- Shuaiqi Guo (McGill)
- Wim J. Hagen (ThermoFisher)
- Guobin Hu (BNL)
- Jake Kaminsky (BNL)
- Jianfeng Lin (Yale)
- Jun Liu (Yale)
- Qun Liu (BNL)
- Mike Martynowycz (HWI)
- Donghyun "Raphael" Park (Scripps)
- Dongyan Tan (SBU)
- Liguo Wang (BNL)
- Fred Sigwroth (Yale)
- Yong Xiong (Yale)
Committee Information
- Liguo Wang: LBMS at Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Guobin Hu: LBMS at Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Jake Kaminsky: LBMS at Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Qun Liu: Biology department at Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Yong Xiong: Professor, Dept. of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University
- Dongyan Tan: Assistant Professor, Pharmacological Sciences, Stony Brook University
- Jun Liu: Professor, Department of Microbial Pathogenesis, Yale University
- Sean McSweeney: NSLS-II at Brookhaven National Laboratory
Past Events
View information from previous events.
Important Dates
March 18, 2024 | General registration opens |
June 6, 2024 | General registration closes |
Course Information
Note: This event falls under Exemption D (Formal classroom training held at Federal facilities, which does not exhibit indicia of a formal conference as outlined in the Conference/Event Exemption Request Form.) Participation is contingent on application acceptance.