General Lab Information


For your reference there are only lectures. The video recordings will be available soon.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Introduction to LBMS
Speaker: Liguo Wang (BNL)

The evolution, deficiencies, and promise of cryo-electron microscopy
Speaker: David DeRosier (Brandeis)

Introduction to electron microscopes and cameras
Speaker: Chen Xu (UMass)

Introduction to negative staining and cryo-electron microscopy
Speaker: Liguo Wang (BNL)

Title: The evolution, deficiencies, and promise of cryo-electron microscopy
Speaker: Guobin Hu (BNL)

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

EM Image Formation and Single Particle Recounstruction
Speaker: Fred Sigworth (Yale)

Model building, refinement, and validation
Speaker: Oliver Clarke (Columbia)

Single-particle data analysis workflow tutorial and demonstration
Speaker: Dongyan Tan (SBU)

Title: EPU single particle data collection tutorial and demonstration
Speaker: Guobin Hu (BNL)

Friday, June 23, 2023

Tomographic data segmentation tutorial and demonstration
Speaker: Ben Barad (Scripps)

Subtomography averaging tutorial and demonstration in EMAN2
Speaker: Muyuan Chen (Stanford)

MicroED: theory, application, and available software
Speaker: Max Clabbers (UCLA)