Opening an Account with Brookhaven
1Register in the Guest Information System (GIS)
Place a Purchase OrderTo open a General User or Technical Service Project account with Brookhaven Lab, the first step is to place a purchase order from your institution authorizing charges (in U.S. dollars) up to the maximum amount. The purchase order must include the following information.
- Purpose of the project (e.g., NSLS user, BLAF Animal Facility user, CFN user; technical services of ___ to do ___; proprietary or non-proprietary beam time at the ___ facility).
- Full name of principal investigator and authorized users
- Dollar amount including overhead
- Expiration date of the order
- Complete "bill to" (invoicing) information
The purchase order should be directed to the following contact.
Rolf Lageraaen
Budget Office,
Building 460
40 Brookhaven Avenue
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Upton, NY 11973
(631) 344-2301, ph.
(631) 344-3503, fax
2Register in the Guest Information System (GIS)
Submit a Payment AdvancePrior to commencement of work, all non-federal users/customers are required to provide an advance payment by check, wire, or credit card dependent on the size and duration of the work. The amount of the advance is determined as follows.
(a) 100% for work <$25K or that will be completed within 90 days.
(b) For work that will be greater than $25K and continue beyond 90 days, the advance shall be the greater of 25% of the contract value or an amount sufficient to cover the first 90 days of work.
Advance (b) will be held and applied to the final invoices.
The return of any unused cash balance must be requested in writing, giving the recipient's name and delivery information.
If paying by check, specify it for the total estimated amount, including overheads, made out to “Brookhaven National Laboratory.” Mail checks to the address below. If paying by wire transfer or credit card, specify it for the total amount, including overhead. Email the contact listed below. To pay by credit card, call the contact below.
Cynthia von Gerichten
Accounts Receivable
Building 400D
20 Brookhaven Avenue
Upton, NY 11973
(631) 344-7433, ph.
(631) 344-2749, fax