Leaving Brookhaven
Experiment Closeout
At the conclusion of the experiment the experimental area shall be left in a condition that is satisfactory to the host Department/Division line management. This includes, but is not limited to, the proper disposition of chemicals and disposal of hazardous materials. It also includes the tear down of the experiment and assuring that all hazards are identified and appropriately controlled. See Off-site Shipments information below for details on shipping your equipment back to your home institution.
Leaving a BNL Department
Checking out of Brookhaven is very important. There is a formal checkout procedure for all individuals working in a department. Chemicals must be reconciled with the Chemical Management System as well as other materials and equipment prior to your departure. You should check out through the office that you check in. Contact your Guest Administrator with any questions you may have. See Appendices for names of Guest Administrators.
Leaving a BNL User Facility
Each User Facility has its own checkout procedure. You should check with your host on what is required before you depart BNL. Prior to leaving Brookhaven, you are responsible for returning any items assigned to you such as: radiation badges, RHIC, AGS, NSLS and/or NSRL access cards, library books, keys, experimental equipment and supplies, etc.
Off-Site Shipments
All packages that contain chemicals are reviewed and repackaged at Building 98 for shipping to their final destination. Chemical packages must have a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) attached to them. The MSDS must include a UN number. A UN number is a DOT chemical coding system used for international shipments. If the materials are mixtures, or you are not sure how to identify them, contact your ESS&H Coordinator (see Appendices for Coordinator listings). Be sure that every container in the package is sealed and labeled. Place the materials into a box such that they do not break in transit to Building 98. Contents should not be loose, and equipment should be shipped separately from chemicals.
Hazardous & Radioactive Materials
Radioactive material and hazardous waste are packaged and labeled by the Isotopes and Special Materials Group (I&SM) and Hazardous Waste Management Group, respectively. Processing and shipment of radioactive hazardous material is done in accordance with the requirements contained in the Code of Federal Regulations (49CFR) and International Air Transport Association (IATA), Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR). For shipping off-site radioactive materials that are not waste, a "Request to Ship Radioactive Materials Form" must be obtained from the Isotopes & Special Materials Group. Call 631-344-5241 to obtain this form.
Non-Hazardous Materials
Brookhaven's Shipping Section, Building 98, is responsible for the packaging, labeling, routing, and shipment of all material leaving the Laboratory to ensure all transportation guidelines and laws have been followed. A Shipping Memo is required to ship items off-site. See below for details.
Shipping Memos
Contact your Guest Administrator or host for further details on completing a Shipping Memo.