About Guest Central
Guest Central is one central online location that provides all of the resources that guests, users, and visitors routinely utilize. You can use Guest Central to notify BNL of your arrival plans, determine if your guest appointment is valid, determine if you have any outstanding training requirements, notify BNL of changes in your personal information, request an extension of your guest appointment, or see what USCIS documents are on file at BNL.
Accessing Guest Central
To obtain access to Guest Central you will need to set up a user account and log in. To create an account, you will need a valid Guest Number. If you do not have a Guest Number, please request one by registering in the Guest Information System. Once you have created a Guest Central account and login, you will see five panels, described below.
Panels in Guest Central
Arrival Notification
Guests, users, and visitors can notify BNL of their anticipated arrival date to BNL and confirm their place of work utilizing this portal. This will allow BNL to ensure that your training requirements are correct and allow BNL to make adjustments, if necessary.
If this is your first visit to BNL, review your training requirements. If you come to BNL often, you can easily check to see what training requirements may have lapsed since your last visit to BNL. Links to training courses are provided so that individuals can take their training on-line prior to arrival at BNL. Taking training prior to arrival will minimize check-in time for first-time visitors. For those that come to BNL routinely, this will allow you to be on your way to your BNL destination much quicker.
Personal Information
Guests, users, and visitors can notify Brookhaven of changes in their affiliation, e-mail address, or emergency contact information at this link.
Appointment Extensions
When their appointment at BNL is about to lapse, guests and visitors may receive an e-mail from the department who hosts them if they should renew their appointment. Users visiting a DOE-designed user facility on the BNL site will receive an email from BNL 90 days prior to when their appointment status with BNL is about to lapse. Reminders are sent at 60 days and 30 days prior, if the renewal is not submitted before.
Site Access Information
With a click of a button, individuals can confirm that they have completed all the necessary requirements in order to obtain site access to BNL. This site will also allow foreign nationals to view the status of their USCIS documents that are on file at BNL.