Speaker Presentations
Day 1: August 14
- Sustainability in HPC, a look at LUMI
Fredrik Robertsén (CSC - IT Center for Science) - Co-designing for Sparseness: Simulating Next-Generation Memory Systems
Jeff Young (Georgia Institute of Technology) - Understanding OSS Project Sustainability with Convergence Approaches
Vladimir Filkov (University of California, Davis) - Sustainable ModSim Software and Tools: A Case Study in gem5
Jason Lowe-Power (University of California, Davis) - Predicting Sustainable High Performance Computing
Dejan Milojicic (Hewlett Packard Labs) - Can Co-Design of Systems and Applications Deliver Sustainability?
Ana-Lucia Varbanescu (University of Twente) - Simulation of Architectures for a Sustainable Computer Ecosystem
Simon McIntosh-Smith (Bristol Centre for Supercomputing) - Sustainable Computing at Scale
Srilatha (Bobbie) Manne (AMD)
Day 2: August 15
- Collaborative System-on-Chip Design with the Open-Source ESP Platforms
Luca Carloni (Columbia University) - A VU on Digital Twins to Improve the Performance and Technological Sustainability of Data Centers in the Continuum
Alexandru Iosup (Vrije University Amsterdam) - Using Architectural Simulation to investigate Chiplets for Scalable and Cost Effective HPC Beyond Exascale
John Shalf (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Day 3: August 16
- Quantifying the carbon footprint of computing: Post, Present, and Future
Udit Gupta (Cornell University) - All Tomorrow's Memories (and Kernels)
Bruce Jacob (U.S. Naval Academy) - Processing in Memory for Energy-Efficient Computing
Kevin Skadron (University of Virginia)