General Lab Information

Modernization Project Office


The Modernization Project Office (MPO) is responsible for engineering, design, cost estimating, scheduling, and project controls, including an Earned Value Management System (EVMS), on conventional construction projects undertaken by the Laboratory, including the selection of Architectural/Engineering firms, contractors and others engaged for these projects.

It will be the Laboratory's center for project management with responsibilities including the SLI Line Items as well as General Plant Projects (GPP) and Institutional General Plant Projects (IGPP) projects. This group is responsible for leading Brookhaven's efforts in facilities' modernization, including a proposed $300-million plan for improving the Lab's infrastructure.

The mission of the MPO is to design, construct, and update the physical plant of BNL to provide the facilities where world-class research can be performed. It is the vision of the MPO to provide premier facilities and service to the research community and allow for world-class research to be performed unhindered by physical plant issues.
