Eric Forsyth to Show Film at Brookhaven Lab on April 28 About His Recent Sailing Adventure
April 3, 2015
UPTON, NY — Veteran sailor Eric Forsyth will present a video of highlights from his recent adventure aboard his 42-foot yacht Fiona. The presentation will be held on Tuesday, April 28, at noon in the Hamilton Seminar Room at the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory. Forsyth is a retired engineer from Brookhaven Lab. This video presentation is sponsored by the Brookhaven Retired Employee's Association and is free and open to the public. All visitors to the Laboratory 16 and older must bring a photo ID.
The video documents a 22,391-mile odyssey in the Atlantic Ocean that included stops in Brazil, South Africa, Puerto Rico, Saint Helena, Bermuda, and Antarctica, before returning home to Patchogue, New York 10 months later. Forsyth will talk about the daunting difficulties faced by the crew during a ferocious storm off the coast of the Falkland Islands and will describe in great detail the overall experience and why he and his crew continue to plan these elaborate sailing voyages.
Forsyth has previously entertained the many adventure enthusiasts who attend his talks with tales of his expedition circumnavigating North America via the Northwest Passage and a 10-month, 12,500-mile trip to Canada, Iceland, the Faroes, Scotland, Ireland, Portugal, the Canary Islands, the Cape Verde Islands, Brazil, and French Guiana.
For additional information on Forsyth's adventures, check out his website.
Call (631) 344-2345 for more information.
2015-11713 | INT/EXT | Newsroom