Welcome to the 2012 Joint NSLS/CFN Users Meeting, May 21-23
April 30, 2012
The 2012 Joint National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) and Center for Functional Nanomaterials (CFN) Users’ Meeting, to be held May 21-23, provides a venue for scientists from diverse disciplines who use the NSLS and CFN facilities to share their work and discuss future directions for their research. New results and advances in experimental capabilities in synchrotron radiation and the nanoscale science research will be highlighted.
This year’s theme, “Expanding the Toolbox for 21st Century Science,” will showcase the vital roles served by the Department of Energy’s NSLS, NSLS-II, and CFN, with an emphasis on new tools that have recently been developed for current facilities and planning for the upcoming transition to NSLS-II. The program includes updates from DOE’s Basic Energy Sciences and BNL management, invited talks, workshops, a poster session, and exhibits that showcase new technology and instrumentation. Plenary sessions will be held Monday and Tuesday mornings, with workshops in the afternoons.
Keynote Speaker
The Keynote Speaker on Monday, May 21, will be Gina Kolata, bestselling author and award-winning senior writer for science and medicine for The New York Times. She has traveled around the country lecturing at universities and medical schools about a variety of scientific topics, demystifying scientific and personal health issues for the general public and passing on her considerable knowledge of science writing and communication.
Special Session: Transition from NSLS to NSLS-II
A special session will be held in the afternoon of Monday, May 21, to host a discussion on planning for the transition from NSLS to NSLS-II. User feedback will be critical for moving forward on this issue, so all NSLS (and prospective NSLS-II) users are strongly encouraged to plan on attending this session.
Both Monday and Tuesday morning Plenary Sessions, as well as the Monday afternoon transition discussion, are open to the public free of charge. For more information on the meeting and to register, go to http://usersmeeting.ps.bnl.gov/default.aspx?year=2012. Users are reminded that the last day to register without paying a late fee is Friday, May 4.
2012-3056 | INT/EXT | Newsroom