BNL Bucket Brigade
November 30, 2012
From left: Cris Caccavale (Staff Services Division), Dari Scuola (Safety and Health Services Division), Tara Shiels and Nora Detweiler (Community, Education, Government and Public Affairs), load up Scuola’s truck with jam-packed buckets of cleaning supplies donated by BNLers. The buckets have been delivered to hurricane relief sites in Babylon, Lindenhurst, and Mastic. The buckets were distributed to residents to help them clean their homes after being impacted by Superstorm Sandy.
In their usual spirit of generosity, BNLers didn’t hesitate when a call went out asking for donations of cleaning supplies that would help our fellow Long Islanders clean up their homes after being hit by Superstorm Sandy.
With coordination by Cris Caccavale of the Staff Services Division, Nora Detweiler and Tara Shiels of the Community Relations Office, and the generous donation of 100 buckets from Home Depot, BNL employees have already filled 92 buckets with cleaning supplies including laundry detergent, gloves, paper towels, and dust masks. Some of the jam-packed buckets have been delivered to hurricane relief sites in Babylon and Lindenhurst by BNLer Dari Scuola of the Safety and Health Services Division. “I received a call from Jeff Williams asking if I could help deliver the buckets,” said Scuola. “I know Jeff through the Lab’s Ride Share program and he knew I lived in Lindenhurst. Without hesitation, I said yes. I live in North Lindenhurst and fortunately I wasn’t impacted as seriously as my neighbors to the south. It’s the least I can do to help out.”
The Lindenhurst and Babylon areas are just two of the neighborhoods to suffer massive damage from the storm and residents are still in great need of cleaning supplies and tools such as rakes and shovels.
Caccavale and Sheils also delivered full buckets to the Tri-Hamlet Relief Organization to help the Lab’s nearby neighbors in Mastic and Shirley. Currently, the Tri-Hamlet Relief Organization is so overwhelmed by the donation of supplies they are now only seeking monetary donations and gift cards.
If you would like to donate cleaning supplies, please drop them off in Staff Services in Building 400. A list of suggested items is below.
- Sponges, assorted sizes
- Scrub brush
- Cleaning towels reusable, Handiwipes
- Dry laundry detergent
- Concentrated household cleaners (Lysol)
- Disinfectant dish soap
- Clothes pins
- Clothes line (250 or 1100 feet)
- Dust masks
- Rubber gloves
- Work gloves
- Heavy duty trash bags
2012-3503 | INT/EXT | Newsroom