Nancy Losinno Lends a Helping Hand to Lab Employees
Employee Assistance Program Manager Receives DOE Award
October 29, 2013
Nancy Losinno with the plaque she received from DOE that reads: "Through her full dedication and total commitment to the practice of Employee Assistance Programs, Nancy D. Losinno has achieved an outstanding level of performance in meeting established psychological standards developing employees, and achieving a consistently high utilization rate compared to similar employee assistance programs." The plaque is signed by Patricia Worthington, DOE's director of the Office of Health, Safety, and Security, and was presented to Losinno by Maritza Skelton, program specialist for EAP at DOE.
At the annual meeting of employee assistance program (EAP) managers for U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) sites, Brookhaven Lab’s EAP manager Nancy Losinno was recognized for her hard work in providing assistance and guidance to employees dealing with personal and workplace concerns.
Losinno, who came to the Lab in 2005, said that she is honored to be the recipient of the award, but the real prize is knowing that she had the opportunity to help someone get through a difficult time.
“Life can be tough sometimes and often problems in the workplace, at home, or with family members can be overwhelming,” said Losinno. “I am grateful to have the opportunity to use my professional skills to meet the needs of employees who come to EAP with a diverse set of problems.”
In general, EAPs serve organizations and employees in many ways, including dealing with problems regarding addiction, relationships, depression, finances, caregiving and bereavement. And Brookhaven’s EAP is the only DOE site that offers a sleep screening program with referrals to community-based board certified sleep physicians.
All of these services are handled confidentially at no charge to the employee.
In addition to private appointments, Losinno issues a newsletter on pertinent topics and routinely hosts a variety of lunchtime talks on topics such as emotional intelligence, veteran’s issues, and stress management.
“We care about the safety, health, and well-being of our employees,” said Robert Lincoln, manager of the Lab’s Human Resources and Occupational Medical Division. “I am happy that Nancy’s commitment has been recognized by DOE and I congratulate her on her award.”
Losinno has worked in the field of employee assistance since 1982 in different capacities — as a consultant, trainer, and clinician. She received her master’s in social work from Adelphi University in 1979, became credentialed as an alcohol and substance abuse counselor in 1981, and obtained her EAP certification in 2008. Her clinical experience focuses on mental health and substance abuse, as well as family and marital therapy. Losinno is currently working toward a Ph.D. in industrial and organizational psychology.
“The concept of EAP is evolving but its primary focus remains the same,” said Losinno. “It’s about helping people flourish and live happier and more productive lives — a concept that is fully supported by DOE and the Lab.”
Brookhaven Lab employees who have workplace or personal concerns are encouraged to contact Losinno for an appointment at Ext.4567 or by email,
More information on Brookhaven Lab’s employee assistance program.
2013-4378 | INT/EXT | Newsroom