Brookhaven Lab Recognizes 15 Staff Members at 2015 Employee Awards Ceremony
July 30, 2015
With award presenters Deputy Laboratory Director for Operations Jack Anderson (right), and Deputy Associate Lab Director (ALD) for High Energy Physics David Lissauer and ALD for Facilities & Operations Amy Nunziata (first and second from left) are the 2015 recipients of the Lab's highest accolades: (from left) James Rose, Teresa Baker, Flemming Videbaek, Grace Webster, Aleksey Bolotnikov, Raymond Ceruti, Michael Mapes, Rich Travis, Evgeny Nazaretski, Neil Schaknowski, Torre Wenaus, Thomas Butcher, Piyush Joshi, Timur Shaftan, and George Ganetis
Members of the Brookhaven Lab community gathered in Berkner Hall on July 23 to recognize 15 employees’ distinguished contributions to the Laboratory’s mission. The Science and Technology, Engineering, and Brookhaven awards presented during the annual employee awards ceremony consist of a plaque and $10,000. These are the highest accolades given by Brookhaven to its employees.
Science & Technology Awards
2015 Science and Technology Award recipients (from left) Torre Wenaus, Flemming Videbaek, Aleksey Bolotnikov, Thomas Butcher, and Timur Shaftan
Science and Technology Awards are presented to recognize distinguished contributions to the science and technology objectives of the Laboratory over one or more years. Deputy Associate Lab Director (ALD) for High Energy Physics David Lissauer presented the 2015 Science and Technology Awards to:
- Aleksey Bolotnikov, Nonproliferation & National Security Department
- Thomas Butcher, Sustainable Energy Technologies Department
- Timur Shaftan, National Synchrotron Light Source II
- Flemming Videbaek, Physics Department
- Torre Wenaus, Physics Department
Meet the 2015 Science and Technology Award recipients.
Engineering Awards
2015 Engineering Award recipients (from left) James Rose, Michael Mapes, Evgeny Nazaretski, Piyush Joshi, and Neil Schaknowski
Engineering Awards are presented to recognize distinguished contributions to the Laboratory’s engineering and computing objectives. ALD for Facilities & Operations Amy Nunziata presented the 2015 Engineering Awards to:
- Piyush Joshi, Superconducting Magnet Division
- Michael Mapes, Collider-Accelerator Department
- Evgeny Nazaretski, National Synchrotron Light Source II
- James Rose, National Synchrotron Light Source II
- Neil Schaknowski, Instrumentation Division
Meet the 2015 Engineering Award recipients.
Brookhaven Awards
2015 Brookhaven Award recipients (from left) Grace Webster, Teresa Baker, George Ganetis, Raymond Ceruti, and Rich Travis
Brookhaven Awards are given to recognize key contributors in support functions whose performance and achievements represent outstanding service to the Laboratory. Deputy Laboratory Director for Operations Jack Anderson presented the 2015 Brookhaven Awards to:
- Teresa Baker, Planning, Performance & Quality Management Office
- Raymond Ceruti, Superconducting Magnet Division
- George Ganetis, National Synchrotron Light Source II
- Rich Travis, Safety & Health Services Division
- Grace Webster, Center for Functional Nanomaterials
Meet the 2015 Brookhaven Award recipients.
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