General Lab Information


Delivery Location

Unless otherwise noted on the Purchase Order/Contract, all deliveries to Brookhaven National Laboratory shall be addressed to Building 98 or Satellite Stockroom Buildings 452, 510, 729 or 740.

Delivery Hours

All deliveries must arrive at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) between the hours of 8:00 am–12:00 pm or 1:00-4:00 pm EST, Monday through Friday. Warehouse Operations must be contacted for any exceptions.


BNL Receiving is able to accommodate trailers up to 53 feet long. The warehouse has both a loading dock and a second driveway so step vans, pick-up trucks and commercial vans can be accommodated as well. Drivers are expected to bring their loads to the gate of their vehicle for offloading by the warehouse staff. We have hand trucks, pallet jacks and forklifts rated for 3,500 lbs. For heavier loads, please see Special Notification of Delivery below.

Foreign Nationals

All drivers and helpers are expected to be US citizens. Foreign Nationals can expect a delay of 1 hour or more before 9 a.m., and up to a half hour from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., when attempting to make deliveries as an escort must be provided for them the entire time they are onsite.

Special Notification of Delivery

If a shipment is heavier than 3,000 lbs, longer than 8 feet in any direction, or has a high center of gravity, it will require rigging upon receipt and the shipper shall provide a minimum of 3 days' advance notice of delivery to BNL's Receiving department via email to The shipper must obtain acknowledgement from BNL that delivery notification was received. Failure to contact BNL will result in delays during delivery and any resulting demurrage will be at the shipper's expense.

Marking of Outer Package

Each shipping container (transport package) with a gross weight equal to or greater than 400 pounds (180 kilograms) must be marked with the center of gravity location and gross weight on at least one side or end panel. It must also meet the requirements of the latest revision of ASTM Standard D 3951, Standard Practice for Commercial Packaging. This applies to any item shipped (originally packaged or repackaged) to BNL or other locations cited in the PO or contract.

Radioactive Shipments

Shipments to Brookhaven National Laboratory containing radioactive material require pre-authorization prior to shipment. Contact the following staff in the Packaging & Transportation Group for instructions.

Labeling Requirements

All shipments must comply with the following labelling requirements. Failure to do so may result in delayed payments. Labels must be placed on the upper left portion of the container when possible and contain:

Purchase Orders (PO)

Brookhaven National Laboratory
Brookhaven's Purchase Order Number
98 Rochester St.
Upton, NY 11973
Box Number/ Number of boxes

Credit Card Orders (CC)

Brookhaven National Laboratory
Name of recipient with “CC” to denote a credit card order/Building number
98 Rochester St.
Upton, NY 11973
Box Number/ Number of boxes

Packing List Requirements

Every shipping container must include a packing list. The packing list must be clearly identified and affixed to a side of the shipping container. At a minimum, the packing list should contain the following information:

  • Ship from company name and address
  • Supplier contact name
  • Supplier telephone number
  • Ship to address as instructed by buyer
  • Brookhaven's purchase order number
  • Part number, description, quantity, unit of measure and corresponding BNL Purchase Order line number

Protection of Material and Equipment

The Supplier shall employ procedures which assure adequate protection of material and equipment during shipment and while in storage. Such protection shall include special environmental packaging as necessary. All items shipped (originally packaged or repackaged) to BNL or other locations cited in the purchase order or contract, shall comply with the requirements for preservation, packaging and marking as stated in the latest revision of ASTM Standard D 3951-10 Standard Practice for Commercial Packaging.

Unacceptable Packing Material

Do not use vermiculite as a packaging material inside any shipments to BNL unless required by shipping regulation. "Vermiculite" as defined in this specification means the hydrous, silicate mineral classified as a Phyllosilicate that has been expanded by heating. Vermiculite used as a packaging material in shipments must be determined to be free of asbestos (<1% chrysolite, amosite, crocidolite, tremolite, anthophyllite, and actinolite). All shipments containing vermiculite must be accompanied by documentation stating that the vermiculite used is certified asbestos free. This documentation must be affixed to the outside of the package.

Shipment Destination Other than BNL

When the material ordered is to be shipped to other than Brookhaven National Laboratory copies of the data required in accordance with the procurement documentation shall accompany the shipment and a copy of such data shall be mailed to the Buyer on the same day that shipment is made.

Requirements when BSA is Paying Freight Charges

Do not ship with any additional insurance or declare value. Additional insurance charges will be deemed unallowable and will not be paid or reimbursed to the Shipper. A copy of the freight bill must accompany the Seller's invoice when charges in excess of $100.00 are billed to BNL by the Seller.

A. Shipments totaling 150 pounds or less use:

UPS Ground Collect
BNL Account No. (See Purchase Order)

FedEx Ground Collect
BNL Account No. (See Purchase Order)

B. Shipments totaling 150 pounds or more

Local shipments within the Tri-State (NY, NJ, CT) and a 100 mile radius use our local trucking company, South Shore Delivery, (516) 810-0081. Shipments beyond a 100 mile radius use the following freight lines listed in order:

Old Dominion (see PO for account number)
Phone: 800-235-5569

FedEx (see PO for account number)
Phone: 800-GO-FEDEX

C. Urgent Air Shipments

FedEx Priority Collect
BNL Account No. (See Purchase Order)

UPS Air Collect
BNL Account No. (See Purchase Order)

For air shipments exceeding 150 pounds, contact BNL Warehouse Operations. For shipping instructions, use contact information found at the top of this page.

Ocean Shipments

Foreign shipments transported via ocean freight must use the 10+2 REQUIREMENTS Form (PDF). The form must be completed by the supplier 72 hours before departure of the vessel. Send form to the following:

Interfreight Harmonized Logistics, Inc.
Fax: 516-371-6880

Brookhaven National Laboratory 

Once the form is submitted to customs, an acceptance number will be provided. Freight will not be loaded onto a vessel without an acceptance number. Failure to submit the 10+2 Form may result in fines. It is the Contractor's responsibility to make sure Form 10+2 is submitted 72 hours prior to the vessel sailing. BSA shall withhold payment from the Contractor's final invoice for any penalties incurred by BSA due to late or incorrect ISF filing by the Contractor.

Warehouse Operations: (631) 344-2300