Edward Luke
Senior Applications Engineer, Cloud Processes & Measurement Science, Environmental and Climate Sciences Department
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Environmental and Climate Sciences Department
Bldg. 490D, Room 2-8
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000
(631) 344-3128
Expertise | Research | Education | Appointments | Publications
- Remote sensing of the atmosphere
- Cloud property retrieval algorithms
- Computational intelligence
- Pattern recognition
- Data fusion
- Radar meteorology
- Climate modeling
- Parallel/GPU computing
Research Activities
- Developed a range of novel techniques for observing the microphysics and dynamics of clouds and precipitation using millimeter wavelength radars, particularly their Doppler spectra, with an emphasis on improving our detailed observational capabilities of cloud-precipitation mixtures and the formation of precipitation within cloud, including drizzling stratocumulus and Arctic mixed-phase clouds.
- Created algorithms for the classification of cloud types and precipitation regimes based on analysis of texture features in satellite multichannel infrared images
- Developer of the ARM program's MicroARSCL microphysics oriented value added product
- Senior level developer of parallel real-time embedded signal processing software for the US Navy APS-147 airborne inverse synthetic aperture maritime surveillance radar
- Principal inventor of patented machine vision technology (US patent 5,483,603) licensed globally to electronics manufacturers for quality control of high density circuit boards
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, B.S., Electrical Engineering
Professional Appointments
- American Geophysical Union
Selected Publications
- Luke EP, Yang F, Kollias P, Vogelmann AM, Maahn M (2021) New insights into ice multiplication using remote-sensing observations of slightly supercooled mixed-phase clouds in the Arctic. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118:e2021387118. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2021387118
- Siebert H, Szodry K-E, Egerer U, Wehner B, Henning S, Chevalier K, Lückerath J, Welz O, Weinhold K, Lauermann F, Gottschalk M, Ehrlich A, Wendisch M, Fialho P, Roberts G, Allwayin N, Schum S, Shaw RA, Mazzoleni C, Mazzoleni L, Nowak JL, Malinowski SP, Karpinska K, Kumala W, Czyzewska D, Luke EP, Kollias P, Wood R, Mellado JP (2021) Observations of Aerosol, Cloud, Turbulence, and Radiation Properties at the Top of the Marine Boundary Layer over the Eastern North Atlantic Ocean: The ACORES Campaign. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 102:E123–E147. doi: 10.1175/bams-d-19-0191.1
- Zhu Z, Kollias P, Yang F, Luke E (2021) On the Estimation of In-Cloud Vertical Air Motion Using Radar Doppler Spectra. Geophysical Research Letters. doi: 10.1029/2020gl090682
- Kollias P, Luke E, Oue M, Lamer K (2020) Agile Adaptive Radar Sampling of Fast-Evolving Atmospheric Phenomena Guided by Satellite Imagery and Surface Cameras. Geophysical Research Letters. doi: 10.1029/2020gl088440
- Yang F, McGraw R, Luke EP, Zhang D, Kollias P, Vogelmann AM (2019) A new approach to estimate supersaturation fluctuations in stratocumulus cloud using ground-based remote-sensing measurements. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 12:5817–5828. doi: 10.5194/amt-12-5817-2019
- Zhang D, Vogelmann A, Kollias P, Luke E, Yang F, Lubin D, Wang Z (2019) Comparison of Antarctic and Arctic Single-Layer Stratiform Mixed-Phase Cloud Properties Using Ground-Based Remote Sensing Measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 124:10186–10204. doi: 10.1029/2019jd030673
- Maahn M, Hoffmann F, Shupe MD, de Boer G, Matrosov SY, Luke EP (2019) Can liquid cloud microphysical processes be used for vertically pointing cloud radar calibration? Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 12:3151–3171. doi: 10.5194/amt-12-3151-2019
- Kalesse H, Vogl T, Paduraru C, Luke E (2019) Development and validation of a supervised machine learning radar Doppler spectra peak-finding algorithm. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 12:4591–4617. doi: 10.5194/amt-12-4591-2019
- Kollias P, Bharadwaj N, Clothiaux EE, Lamer K, Oue M, Hardin J, Isom B, Lindenmaier I, Matthews A, Luke EP, Giangrande SE, Johnson K, Collis S, Comstock J, Mather JH (2020) The ARM Radar Network: At the Leading Edge of Cloud and Precipitation Observations. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 101:E588–E607. doi: 10.1175/bams-d-18-0288.1
- Kollias P, McLaughlin DJ, Frasier S, Oue M, Luke E, Sneddon A (2018) Advances and applications in low-power phased array X-band weather radars. 2018 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf18). doi: 10.1109/radar.2018.8378762
- Borque P, Luke EP, Kollias P, Yang F (2018) Relationship between Turbulence and Drizzle in Continental and Marine Low Stratiform Clouds. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 75:4139–4148. doi: 10.1175/jas-d-18-0060.1
- Yang F, Luke EP, Kollias P, Kostinski AB, Vogelmann AM (2018) Scaling of Drizzle Virga Depth With Cloud Thickness for Marine Stratocumulus Clouds. Geophysical Research Letters 45:3746–3753. doi: 10.1029/2018gl077145
- Oue M, Kollias P, Ryzhkov A, Luke EP (2018) Toward Exploring the Synergy Between Cloud Radar Polarimetry and Doppler Spectral Analysis in Deep Cold Precipitating Systems in the Arctic. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 123:2797–2815. doi: 10.1002/2017jd027717
- Mohrmann J, Wood R, McGibbon J, Eastman R, Luke E (2018) Drivers of Seasonal Variability in Marine Boundary Layer Aerosol Number Concentration Investigated Using a Steady State Approach. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 123:1097–1112. doi: 10.1002/2017jd027443
- Rémillard J, Fridlind AM, Ackerman AS, Tselioudis G, Kollias P, Mechem DB, Chandler HE, Luke E, Wood R, Witte MK, Chuang PY, Ayers JK (2017) Use of Cloud Radar Doppler Spectra to Evaluate Stratocumulus Drizzle Size Distributions in Large-Eddy Simulations with Size-Resolved Microphysics. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 56:3263–3283. doi: 10.1175/jamc-d-17-0100.1
- Riihimaki LD, Comstock JM, Luke E, Thorsen TJ, Fu Q (2017) A case study of microphysical structures and hydrometeor phase in convection using radar Doppler spectra at Darwin, Australia. Geophysical Research Letters 44:7519–7527. doi: 10.1002/2017gl074187
- Tridon F, Battaglia A, Luke E, Kollias P (2017) Rain retrieval from dual-frequency radar Doppler spectra: validation and potential for a midlatitude precipitating case-study. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 143:1364–1380. doi: 10.1002/qj.3010
- Kalesse H, de Boer G, Solomon A, Oue M, Ahlgrimm M, Zhang D, Shupe MD, Luke E, Protat A (2016) Understanding Rapid Changes in Phase Partitioning between Cloud Liquid and Ice in Stratiform Mixed-Phase Clouds: An Arctic Case Study. Monthly Weather Review 144:4805–4826. doi: 10.1175/mwr-d-16-0155.1
- Borque P, Luke E, Kollias P (2016) On the unified estimation of turbulence eddy dissipation rate using Doppler cloud radars and lidars. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 121:5972–5989. doi: 10.1002/2015jd024543
- Kalesse H, Szyrmer W, Kneifel S, Kollias P, Luke E (2016) Fingerprints of a riming event on cloud radar Doppler spectra: observations and modeling. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16:2997–3012. doi: 10.5194/acp-16-2997-2016
- Riihimaki LD, Comstock JM, Anderson KK, Holmes A, Luke E (2016) A path towards uncertainty assignment in an operational cloud-phase algorithm from ARM vertically pointing active sensors. Advances in Statistical Climatology, Meteorology and Oceanography 2:49–62. doi: 10.5194/ascmo-2-49-2016
- Wood R, Wyant M, Bretherton CS, Rémillard J, Kollias P, Fletcher J, Stemmler J, de Szoeke S, Yuter S, Miller M, Mechem D, Tselioudis G, Chiu JC, Mann JAL, O'Connor EJ, Hogan RJ, Dong X, Miller M, Ghate V, Jefferson A, Min Q, Minnis P, Palikonda R, Albrecht B, Luke E, Hannay C, Lin Y (2015) Clouds, Aerosols, and Precipitation in the Marine Boundary Layer: An Arm Mobile Facility Deployment. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 96:419–440. doi: 10.1175/bams-d-13-00180.1
- Luke EP, Kollias P (2013) Separating Cloud and Drizzle Radar Moments during Precipitation Onset Using Doppler Spectra. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 30:1656–1671. doi: 10.1175/jtech-d-11-00195.1
- Tridon F, Battaglia A, Kollias P, Luke E, Williams CR (2013) Signal Postprocessing and Reflectivity Calibration of the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program 915-MHz Wind Profilers. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 30:1038–1054. doi: 10.1175/jtech-d-12-00146.1
- Van Weverberg K, Vogelmann AM, Lin W, Luke EP, Cialella A, Minnis P, Khaiyer M, Boer ER, Jensen MP (2013) The Role of Cloud Microphysics Parameterization in the Simulation of Mesoscale Convective System Clouds and Precipitation in the Tropical Western Pacific. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 70:1104–1128. doi: 10.1175/jas-d-12-0104.1
- Rémillard J, Kollias P, Luke E, Wood R (2012) Marine Boundary Layer Cloud Observations in the Azores. Journal of Climate 25:7381–7398. doi: 10.1175/jcli-d-11-00610.1
- Giangrande SE, Luke EP, Kollias P (2012) Characterization of Vertical Velocity and Drop Size Distribution Parameters in Widespread Precipitation at ARM Facilities. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 51:380–391. doi: 10.1175/jamc-d-10-05000.1
- Kollias P, Rémillard J, Luke E, Szyrmer W (2011) Cloud radar Doppler spectra in drizzling stratiform clouds: 1. Forward modeling and remote sensing applications. Journal of Geophysical Research. doi: 10.1029/2010jd015237
- Kollias P, Szyrmer W, Rémillard J, Luke E (2011) Cloud radar Doppler spectra in drizzling stratiform clouds: 2. Observations and microphysical modeling of drizzle evolution. Journal of Geophysical Research. doi: 10.1029/2010jd015238
- Luke EP, Kollias P, Shupe MD (2010) Detection of supercooled liquid in mixed-phase clouds using radar Doppler spectra. Journal of Geophysical Research. doi: 10.1029/2009jd012884
- Giangrande SE, Luke EP, Kollias P (2010) Automated Retrievals of Precipitation Parameters Using Non-Rayleigh Scattering at 95 GHz. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 27:1490–1503. doi: 10.1175/2010jtecha1343.1
- Zhang GJ, Vogelmann AM, Jensen MP, Collins WD, Luke EP (2010) Relating Satellite-Observed Cloud Properties from MODIS to Meteorological Conditions for Marine Boundary Layer Clouds. Journal of Climate 23:1374–1391. doi: 10.1175/2009jcli2897.1
- Shupe MD, Daniel JS, de Boer G, Eloranta EW, Kollias P, Long CN, Luke EP, Turner DD, Verlinde J (2008) A Focus On Mixed-Phase Clouds. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 89:1549–1562. doi: 10.1175/2008bams2378.1
- Jensen MP, Vogelmann AM, Collins WD, Zhang GJ, Luke EP (2008) Investigation of Regional and Seasonal Variations in Marine Boundary Layer Cloud Properties from MODIS Observations. Journal of Climate 21:4955–4973. doi: 10.1175/2008jcli1974.1
- Luke EP, Kollias P, Johnson KL, Clothiaux EE (2008) A Technique for the Automatic Detection of Insect Clutter in Cloud Radar Returns. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 25:1498–1513. doi: 10.1175/2007jtecha953.1
- Kollias P, Miller MA, Luke EP, Johnson KL, Clothiaux EE, Moran KP, Widener KB, Albrecht BA (2007) The Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Cloud Profiling Radars: Second-Generation Sampling Strategies, Processing, and Cloud Data Products. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 24:1199–1214. doi: 10.1175/jtech2033.1
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Environmental and Climate Sciences Department
Bldg. 490D, Room 2-8
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000
(631) 344-3128