General Lab Information

Robert Szafron

Associate Scientist, High Energy Theory, Physics Department

Robert Szafron

Brookhaven National Laboratory

Physics Department
Bldg. 510A, Room 2-20
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000

(631) 344-3738

Robert Szafron is a member of the High Energy Theory group at Brookhaven National Laboratory. With a focus on collider physics, precision computations, and effective field theories, Robert's work is at the forefront of theoretical physics. His expertise extends to bound state physics, QCD and QED corrections, and power corrections.

Before joining  BNL in 2021, he held positions as a Senior Research Fellow at CERN, Switzerland, and as a Postdoctoral Fellow at both TU Munich, Germany, and the University of Alberta, Canada.

Expertise | Appointments | Publications


  • Collider physics
  • Precision computations
  • Effective field theories
  • Bound state physics
  • QCD and QED corrections
  • Power corrections 

Professional Appointments

  • 2023 - present; Associate Scientist, Brookhaven National Laboratory, US
  • 2021 - 2022; Assistant Scientist, Brookhaven National Laboratory, US
  • 2019-2020; Senior Research Fellow, CERN, Switzerland 
  • 2016-2019; Postdoctoral Fellow, TU Munich, Germany
  • 2012-2016; Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Alberta, Canada

Selected Publications

  • Beneke M, Bobeth C, Szafron R (2019) Power-enhanced leading-logarithmic QED corrections to Bq→ μ+μ−. Journal of High Energy Physics 2019:.
  • Baglio J, Duhr C, Mistlberger B, Szafron R (2022) Inclusive production cross sections at N3LO. Journal of High Energy Physics 2022:.
  • Beneke M, Broggio A, Garny M, et al (2019) Leading-logarithmic threshold resummation of the Drell-Yan process at next-to-leading power. Journal of High Energy Physics 2019:.
  • Beneke M, Bobeth C, Szafron R (2018) Enhanced Electromagnetic Corrections to the Rare Decay Bs,dμ+μ. Physical Review Letters 120:.
  • Czarnecki A, Dowling M, Piclum J, Szafron R (2018) Two-Loop Binding Corrections to the Electron Gyromagnetic Factor. Physical Review Letters 120:.
  • Abreu S, Gaunt JR, Monni PF, Szafron R (2022) The analytic two-loop soft function for leading-jet pT. Journal of High Energy Physics 2022:.
  • Beneke M, Garny M, Szafron R, Wang J (2018) Anomalous dimension of subleading-power N-jet operators. Journal of High Energy Physics 2018:.
  • Beneke M, Hager P, Szafron R (2022) Gravitational soft theorem from emergent soft gauge symmetries. Journal of High Energy Physics 2022:.
  • Beneke M, Szafron R, Urban K (2020) Wino potential and Sommerfeld effect at NLO. Physics Letters B 800:135112.
  • Davoudiasl H, Szafron R (2023) Muon g2 and a Geocentric New Field. Physical Review Letters 130:.
  • Czarnecki A, Szafron R (2016) Light-by-light scattering in the Lamb shift and the bound electron g factor. Physical Review A 94:.
  • Jegerlehner F, Szafron R (2011) ρ 0–γ mixing in the neutral channel pion form factor $F^{(e)}_{\pi}(s)$ and its role in comparing e + e − with τ spectral functions. The European Physical Journal C 71:.
  • Hurth T, Szafron R (2023) Refactorisation in subleading B¯Xsγ. Nuclear Physics B 991:116200.
  • Davoudiasl H, Gehrlein J, Szafron R (2022) Is the θ¯ Parameter of QCD Constant? Physical Review Letters 129:.
  • Gluza J, Jelinski T, Szafron R (2016) Lepton number violation and 'Diracness' of massive neutrinos composed of Majorana states. Physical Review D 93:.
Robert Szafron

Brookhaven National Laboratory

Physics Department
Bldg. 510A, Room 2-20
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000

(631) 344-3738

Robert's Links