General Lab Information

John Scheblein

Senior Design Engineer, DUNE/sPHENIX, Physics Department

John Scheblein

Brookhaven National Laboratory

Physics Department
Bldg. 510
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000

(631) 344-2654

I started at BNL in 1979 as a job shopper on the NSLS woking on various mechanical designs using pencil. Became an employee in 1979 with the AGS and was part of the CAD revolution. Learned Computervision 3D modeling in 1985 then went over to Pro-Engineer from 1990-2000. I was the lead designer on the STAR project from 1992-2019. Delevoped and integrated many sub-systems and was part of STAR from original conception to its full running today. Also using AutoCAD until 2000 then moving into Inventor and some Solid Works. Currently finalizing as built drawings with sPHENIX project and starting on the DUNE Far Detector 2 project.

Expertise | Education | Appointments


AutoCAD, Inventor, Solid Works, Pro-E  mechanical 3-D modeling and 2-D documentation.

Teach AutoCAD at S.C.C.C as Adjunct in the evenings.


A.A.S.. Mechanical Technology S.C.C.C. Selden, N.Y. 1981

Aviation Mechanic School, N.A.S. Memphis Tennesee United States Navy 1972

U.S. Navy Aviation Structual Mechanic 3rd Class 1971-1975 Honorable Discharge

Autodesk University 2004-2014

Professional Appointments

Adjunct Instructor Suffolk County Community College (since 1994)

John Scheblein

Brookhaven National Laboratory

Physics Department
Bldg. 510
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000

(631) 344-2654